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Tomato seeds are in. 2 varieties, orangeto and cocktail crush. Not grown orangeto before. Proper labels for the 1st time this year. I usually methodically label on wood, but they all get lost or become illegible in no time and I soon forget what I planted #GrowYourOwn

Recently I learned something new about using vinegar to kill weeds,

For several years I have used 30% strength vinegar in a ‘chemical resistant’ spray bottle to spot spray weeds. This is a very effective weed (and grass) killer.

This spring I sprayed some weeds but the result was not what I expected. The weeds stayed green and growing.

Turns out that the acidity of vinegar declines over time when exposed to air. The vinegar I used this spring was a bit left in a gallon jug that I purchased last year. A few days ago I bought a new gallon jug, sprayed some weeds and they died just as I expected.

If you want to try this, do not use grocery store vinegar. It is not nearly strong enough. I buy mine at the local big box lumber/hardware store. Make sure what you buy says 30%. Look for it where they have cleaning supplies. And if you use a standard spray bottle then the acid will destroy the spray mechanism after a bit. That is why I use a ‘chemical resistant' spray bottle.

Also, when I spray this stuff I am wearing rubber gloves that come halfway to my elbows.
#PNW #Gardens #Gardening #GrowYourOwn

One bed completed without a compost delivery. Just went a little more lasagna on the top of the bed.

Currant and peas planted with transplants waiting in the wings to finish hardening off. First bed at our actual home. Feels pretty amazing.

It's been fun to weave years of health into something. The lower half of the bed is mostly hugelkultur, with upper layers of compost and homemade biochar, then lasagna of bedding straw and compost/soil mixture.

It's a 30" deep bed, so a lot to fill.

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I couldn’t believe my eyes when I saw it today! I had to remove the diseased guava tree from here. I kept putting kitchen scraps in the empty land. Of course, now that spring is here, weeds are also taking over. However, see this? These are guava plants!!!! Apparently, I left a root or two. There are so many of them here. I love it!!! Let me try transplanting them to other parts of the gardens over the weekend.

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Good. The chillies are in the dehydrator. 14 dozen (168 chillies).


They are small Thai chillies so they don't look that many - just 1 dehydrator tray.

I *nearly* made a fermented chilli mash, but the #KirstenShockey ones are a bit faffy - the hot chilli sauce I made the other day is simple and awesome and without messing around.

No seeding or peeling chillies for me, altho next time I make the sauce I will roast some. (These chillies are two small to remove the seeds anyway, and last time I just blended everything up in the Vitamix. We're not scared of a few seeds*).

* I read the other day that it is not the seeds that hold the most heat, but the white membrane parts of the chilli. I am not testing this.