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This Wednesday at 2pm ET/11 am PT, I'm honored to be leading the inaugural monthly support group -- "Keeping each other Company: #Caregiving and #Grief" -- for #HFC, an extaordinary foundation established by #LaurenMillerRogen & #SethRogen in honor of Lauren's mother Adele who died of early-onset #Alzheimer's. Please join me -- it's on Zoom -- if you are looking for a space to share your feelings, tell your story, or just want to listen to others.

This Wednesday at 2pm ET/11 am PT, I'm honored to be leading the inaugural monthly support group -- "Keeping each other Company: #Caregiving and #Grief" -- for #HFC, an extaordinary foundation established by #LaurenMillerRogen & #SethRogen in honor of Lauren's mother Adele who died of early-onset #Alzheimer's. Please join me -- it's on Zoom -- if you are looking for a space to share your feelings, tell your story, or just want to listen to others.

Jerry, my dad, who died almost 30 years ago, was born today in 1927. Here I am with him -- he had lost just about all of his words and I had none to express the grief of watching him suffer. I think about him everyday, miss him so much, and do everything I can to be the best version of the person he (and my mother) raised me to be.

Jerry, my dad, who died almost 30 years ago, was born today in 1927. Here I am with him -- he had lost just about all of his words and I had none to express the grief of watching him suffer. I think about him everyday, miss him so much, and do everything I can to be the best version of the person he (and my mother) raised me to be.

A HS student emailed me out of the blue to do an interview as part of her capstone project on #Alzheimer's. I spoke w/her about #brain science & #caregiving. She's 18, her family has the #APOE4 gene - a risk factor for the disease - & she will study neuroscience to find a cure for Alzheimer's. She's smart, determined, & I had chills listening to her story and her passion. The senseless, fascistic #NIH cuts are imperiling the potential, the future of people like her, & our own.


A HS student emailed me out of the blue to do an interview as part of her capstone project on #Alzheimer's. I spoke w/her about #brain science & #caregiving. She's 18, her family has the #APOE4 gene - a risk factor for the disease - & she will study neuroscience to find a cure for Alzheimer's. She's smart, determined, & I had chills listening to her story and her passion. The senseless, fascistic #NIH cuts are imperiling the potential, the future of people like her, & our own.


It's Brain Awareness Week. Take care of yours!

Wear a mask (COVID has implications -- bad ones -- for brain health. Get sleep (sleep rids the brain of gunk -- the vox technica - that accumulates in it). Get hearing aids if you're experiencing age-related hearing loss. Take your SSRI if you're on one (depression isn't good for the brain). Stay engaged w/ people (connected with friends; meet new ones @ #Tesla protests).


It's Brain Awareness Week. Take care of yours!

Wear a mask (COVID has implications -- bad ones -- for brain health. Get sleep (sleep rids the brain of gunk -- the vox technica - that accumulates in it). Get hearing aids if you're experiencing age-related hearing loss. Take your SSRI if you're on one (depression isn't good for the brain). Stay engaged w/ people (connected with friends; meet new ones @ #Tesla protests).


Once upon a time, I asked people to review my memoir, written w/#neurologist Dr. Bruce Miller, Finding the Right Words on #Amazon to help people dealing w/#dementia: the complexities of #brain health, #caregiving, #grief. B/c #Bezos is no longer someone I can support b/c he supports #Nazis, I humbly ask you -- if you've read the book -- to review it here. Also, #NIH cuts & the evisceration of #Alzheimer's research (et al.) will immiserate all of us. Grief (& rage) are the words.

Once upon a time, I asked people to review my memoir, written w/#neurologist Dr. Bruce Miller, Finding the Right Words on #Amazon to help people dealing w/#dementia: the complexities of #brain health, #caregiving, #grief. B/c #Bezos is no longer someone I can support b/c he supports #Nazis, I humbly ask you -- if you've read the book -- to review it here. Also, #NIH cuts & the evisceration of #Alzheimer's research (et al.) will immiserate all of us. Grief (& rage) are the words.

I wrote and submitted this short letter to the editor about cuts to #Alzheimer's research but the window for it being accepted has passed. I was hoping it might get picked up by the #MSM so people whose politics with whom I profoundly disagree might read it and see the damage that is being wrought by eviscerating #NIH -- if they can't understand its implications for others perhaps they could for themselves and their loved ones. Please share as you see fit.


I wrote and submitted this short letter to the editor about cuts to #Alzheimer's research but the window for it being accepted has passed. I was hoping it might get picked up by the #MSM so people whose politics with whom I profoundly disagree might read it and see the damage that is being wrought by eviscerating #NIH -- if they can't understand its implications for others perhaps they could for themselves and their loved ones. Please share as you see fit.


The #memoir I wrote with Dr. Bruce Miller is now available in #Chinese. Thank you Johns Hopkins UP & East China Normal UP. According to this article, "#China has the world's largest population of patients with #dementia, and #Alzheimer's disease and other dementias (ADOD) is the fifth leading cause of death in China." I hope this translation finds its way to people who are looking for information about #brain health, #grief, and #caregiving.


The #memoir I wrote with Dr. Bruce Miller is now available in #Chinese. Thank you Johns Hopkins UP & East China Normal UP. According to this article, "#China has the world's largest population of patients with #dementia, and #Alzheimer's disease and other dementias (ADOD) is the fifth leading cause of death in China." I hope this translation finds its way to people who are looking for information about #brain health, #grief, and #caregiving.
