Rooster Extends Partnership with J/70 UK Class for 2025 #boat #boating #GreatBritain #lake #News #photographs #photos #racing #reports #results #sail #sailing #Sea #UnitedKingdom #yacht #yachting
Rooster Extends Partnership with J/70 UK Class for 2025 #boat #boating #GreatBritain #lake #News #photographs #photos #racing #reports #results #sail #sailing #Sea #UnitedKingdom #yacht #yachting
Criminal Network Smuggling Migrants From Turkey To Greece Dismantled #Arrest #CoastGuard #CriminalOrganization #DAPTHAS #EYP #GeorgianNational #Greece #IllegalImmigration #Kos #MigrantTrafficking #NIS #PiraeusPolice #Prosecutoru2019sOffice #Salamis #ShippingMinister #smuggling #Turkey #TurkishNational #V.Kikilias #yacht 2025 Offshore Double Handed World Championship to be held in Cowes, UK #boat #boating #GreatBritain #lake #News #photographs #photos #racing #reports #results #sail #SAILING #sea #UnitedKingdom #yacht #yachting
When French boatyard gets acquired by German company, the workers go into "fuck this bullshit" protest
Photo taken aboard a friend's brand new half million € catamaran. I also was there when a ceiling panel fell on his head while he was complaining about the build quality of his boat. He did not think that was funny
This backing plate was discovered after another mooring cleat tore out of the deck.
Emirates GBR’s Dylan Fletcher seals triumphant SailGP return #boat #boating #GreatBritain #lake #News #photographs #photos #racing #reports #results #sail #sailing #Sea #UnitedKingdom #yacht #yachting Emirates GBR’s Dylan Fletcher seals triumphant SailGP return #boat #boating #GreatBritain #lake #News #photographs #photos #racing #reports #results #sail #SAILING #sea #UnitedKingdom #yacht #yachting
Die "Boot" ist die weltweit größte Messe für Wassersport. Sie läuft ab Samstag bis zum 26. Januar. Das sind die Highlights.
Die "Boot" ist die weltweit größte Messe für Wassersport. Sie läuft ab Samstag bis zum 26. Januar. Das sind die Highlights .#Düsseldorf #Messe #Boot #Wassersport #Surfen #Yacht #Schiff #Luxus #Segeln #Aussteller #Halle
Die Highlights der Messe "Boot" in Düsseldorf