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The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine’s Committee on Science, Technology, and Law cordially invites you to attend a rescheduled workshop to explore the implications of the Major Questions Doctrine and the overturning of Chevron deference for agency decision-making. #law #workshop #SCOTUS

events.nationalacademies.orgImplications of Recent Supreme Court Decisions for Agency Decision-Making: A WorkshopRegister for this event from the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine.

Thought I should post something today. Just a quick progress update. I finished the exterior last week and now have started building the sliding door. I am sick at the moment, so all work has stopped.

Hopefully I will start feeling better soon and be able to get back to work.

Cool motorcycle pictures and stuff will have to wait a little longer. Sorry 🙁

I didn't have a crevice tool for my shop #vacuum, so I found something roughly the shape I wanted on #Printables and then altered it in various ways.

Spent a couple of hours on it because I envisage a few other attachments I'd like to make as well. Getting a good fit figured out will let me base the additional tools upon this piece.

It sucks… i mean it sucks up #workshop detritus quite well. It's rather loud in usage, which the cat is anticipating in this pic, I suspect.

The #Interaction and #Concurrency Experience #workshop (ICE 🧊) 2025 Call for paper is out! #CFP ➡ ⬅

ICE 🧊 will be co-located with @DisCoTecConf and take place in #Lille , #France 🇫🇷 on June 16th (

This workshop is very dear to me: instead of the usual "submission ⇉ (rebuttal ⇉) review" flow, it uses a very original selection procedure (, where PC members and authors discuss and collaborate for the greater good ⇆.

This year again we have an amazing program committee (, an amazing invited speaker (Kirstin Peters, from Augsburg University) and welcome submissions until April 9th, 2025 ⌛.