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Good morning. 😴⏰☕

26 January 2025

I'm surprised that I'm awake and alert at this time of the morning. It's just now five-thirty, and I've been up for half an hour, but the coffee is particularly good today.

I recall standing guard in the old days. It was always two hours on and four hours off. It seemed like just as I would fall asleep, the Sergeant-of-the-Guard (SOG) would rouse me from my bunk, and I would find myself standing in what seemed like the middle of nowhere in the cold, often in the rain or snow—it didn't matter. After about an hour, the SOG would return with coffee, which I would drink from my canteen cup. That was a long time ago.

"All of us should be on guard against beliefs that flatter ourselves. At the very least, we should check such beliefs against facts." - Thomas Sowell