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Interesting tool for Californians to quickly assess their state representative's voting records. Obviously the bills they focus on are picked for a specific agenda, but even then it's helpful to see how your district rep voted:

Once you've pulled up your reps and their scores, be sure to click through to their details to see how they voted and who their major campaign donors are

Courage ScoreCourage ScoreHow well does your legislator represent you? Find out how often your representatives stand up for constituents over corporate lobbyists.

So liebe Freunde des #Sport

Jetzt seid ihr bitte wieder an der Reihe!

Sucht bitte den Ball aus, mit dem ich am Samstag in Sindelfingen zum ersten von drei Qualifikationsturnieren antreten soll.

Für die user im
#Fediverse, die Mastodon benutzen, dieser Beitrag hat 10 Bilder!

Ihr habt nur eine Stimme, also entscheidet weise.

Es geht für mich um die Qualifikation zur deutschen Nationalmannschaft, das bedeutet, der Ball, meine Golfschläger und ich müssen eine Einheit bilden.

Euer Voting hat mir schon Bronze bei einer EM, Bronze bei einer WM eingebracht. Ich weiß also, wem ich hier vertraue.

Für alle die, die keine Ahnung haben, was Crossgolf ist, hier mal zwei links

#Sport #Crossgolf #WUGCQ #Voting #urbanGolf

Kann auch gern geteilt werden.

Fediverse for Nationalmannschaft

If you have access to Bluesky this thread discusses Trump's new executive vomitus on elections.

Assume this will be challenged in court because the states run elections, not the president.

She notes that it'll probably follow the provisions of the SAVE act for proof of citizenship.


"House Democratic Whip Katherine Clark called the SAVE Act an effort to “trick and mislead” the American people.

“It is built on a false premise that there are noncitizens voting in large numbers that are swaying elections. That is a complete lie, and they know it,” she said. “And what is the answer to that? Make it harder for women in this country to vote, who changed their names because they got married? That is voter suppression wrapped up in some sort of immigration argument.”" #voting #VoterSuppression

Bluesky Social · Alejandra Caraballo ( just signed an executive order banning vote by mail and ordering the defunding of any state that does not follow through with it as well as engage in massive voter roll purges. There won't be free and fair elections ever again. If you're waiting for 2026, it's already too late.

"...43% of White citizens who were age eligible to vote in all three elections did so; just 24% did not vote in any of these.

Black, Hispanic and Asian adults lagged far behind, with 27% of Black, 19% of Hispanic and 21% of Asian age-eligible citizens voting in all three elections. Hispanic citizens were most likely to have not voted in any of the most recent three general elections."

Pew Research Center · 1. Voter turnout, 2018-2022Reem Nadeem poolt
Vastatud lõimes


the pridefully #ignorant ones will endlessly blame shift away from their own #entitled #privileged indolence

the question is do they outnumber the ones who can have their eyes opened via the suffering they bring onto us by not #voting/ voting for #bigoted #plutocrat #malice

some have the bare minimum of heart to go "i was wrong"

if they are not enough? too late?

then we are truly fucked

#maga #voters, #nonvoters: i absolutely despise you

#americans are fucking stupid

they treat #voting as a joke

americans are removed from the consequences of living under #autocracy and #fascism, unlike other places that understand the stakes

#alienated and #entitled on a topic that will *personally* harm them, no need for glorious appeals to #society and #responsibility

they need to learn to fucking #vote

or not vote for their own impoverishment and rights removal under #bigotry and #plutocracy

they will learn

the hard way

fucking morons

Jätkatud lõim

Utah was one of only a few red states to allow universal vote-by-mail, but not anymore. @bolts’s Alex Burness writes about how the Republican-controlled legislature is about to get rid of the practice, which has been in place since 2019, and is imposing new restrictions on absentee voting too.

Bolts · Utah Was a Rare Red State to Champion Mail Voting. That Era Is Likely Ending. - BoltsInspired by the architects of Project 2025, the Utah legislature adopted a Republican bill to end universal mail voting and impose new restrictions on absentee ballots.