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I don't expect the PC market to shrink, though.

There are some breakthroughs like the Mac Mini M4, sub $300 Chinese Mini PC, the ever-flooded laptop market and the best PC Gaming entry point: the Steam Deck.

It's the Desktop PC Gaming what is what I expect to collapse soon, if it has not.

Last time I bought a Desktop PC component was the Radeon R290 at launch.

Since then I have traded laptops, tablets and consoles like a madman.

I wonder how the Desktop PC market will perform in the next years. Pandemic was a huge boost, but eventually it will contract again because the value proposition has not lowered as expected.

Good Morning Folks. Yesterday was the #PathOfExile II reveal stream and Q&A for the upcoming #DawnOfTheHunt league. This morning, I talked about my feelings about the reveal and general disappointments with the direction in which the game appears to be going.

Path of Exile II - Dawn of the Hunt Reveal

Tales of the Aggronaut · Path of Exile II - Dawn of the Hunt Reveal - Tales of the AggronautYesterday was the reveal stream and this morning I talk about my general disappointment in the direction of the game.

The first computer game ever created was 'Tennis for Two,' developed in 1958 by physicist William Higinbotham. Designed as a demonstration for visitors at the Brookhaven National Laboratory, this innovative game was displayed on an oscilloscope, allowing players to simulate a game of tennis by controlling the angle of their shots with knobs and pressing a button to serve.

Unlike later commercial video games, 'Tennis for Two' was not created for profit but to engage the public with science and technology. Higinbotham's creation showcased the potential of computers for interactive entertainment, paving the way for the vibrant gaming industry we know today. This pioneering moment in gaming history highlights how creativity and innovation can emerge from unexpected places, transforming our interaction with technology. #TennisForTwo #GamingHistory #TechInnovation #InteractiveMedia #Pioneers #VideoGames

I work in the game industry. Have done so for more than 30 years now.

Black, gay and female main characters aren’t DEI, nor are they woke.

They make money.

Games companies simply realised they can make more money, if they target a wider audience than just self-important incel white cucks who never matured beyond a 13 year-level, still living in their parent’s basements larping as streamers making an income so pitiful they couldn’t afford to buy the big offers anyway. 🤨

It’s odd that “first-person” and “third-person” are such common adjectives for video games. Is it really significant to the experience whether or not you can see your character’s mullet? How is that something we decided to care about?

Half the time you can switch back and forth now. If you start picking games out of a hat, I’m not sure I could even remember which ones are 1st and which are 3rd.

Sharing from a friend who saw this in one of their discords
> I'm Lloyd May, an accessibility researcher from Stanford University working with Prof. Emily Wang at Oberlin College.

> We are currently running a research study on centralizing video game accessibility settings. If you play video games and identify as disabled, Deaf, and/or neurodiverse, we'd love to learn more about your experiences over a 1-hour online interview. You would also receive a $35 gift card as a thank-you for your involvement in the study after the interview.

> If you, or anyone else you know, are interested, please fill out this short interest form:

> Note: This a purely academic research study. We are in no way affiliated with any corporate partners. Everything we work on is free and open-source

Google DocsAccess Profile Interview StudyThank you for your interest in this gaming accessibility research study. This is an interview study exploring the idea of creating a centralized system for players to store their accessibility settings and other preferences. If you identify as disabled and play digital games more than once a month, we invite you to participate in a 1-hour long virtual interview. You'll receive a $30 gift card as a thank you for your time. If you're interested, please fill out this short form: