Summer and I could feel the storm coming fast.
We decided that we'd better get some last pictures of our tulips just in case the wind destroys them.
#BloomScrolling #Tulips
Summer and I could feel the storm coming fast.
We decided that we'd better get some last pictures of our tulips just in case the wind destroys them.
#BloomScrolling #Tulips
Every day we see new tulips open up.
I don't label any of the pots so we can enjoy the surprise. The mix of colors and varieties.
The colors are so intense.
#BloomScrolling #Tulips
Sunny day tulips in our garden.
Can't wait to see what opens up next. About half are blooming so far.
#BloomScrolling #Tulips
After Summer jumped and ran to her hearts delight she took me on a tour of our little tulip garden.
Even a few minutes in the garden lifts my spirits.
#BloomScrolling #Tulips
Every year I replant our tulips bulbs in the pots left dormant between Summer vegetable and dahlia planting and spring bulbs.
I love the bright colors that welcome me home as I come down the driveway.
#BloomScrolling #Tulips
Starting a new painting.
This is the second time I paint tulips, this time I feel more confident. I'm happy.
It is an oil painting and it is in progress.
Who doesn't like tulips? :))
My hydroponic tulip setup is in full bloom. I'm hoping I can save the bulbs when the flowers die. #BloomScrolling #tulips
We have been on the 60's for days. The Tulips are starting to emerge. Too soon. #tulips
Tulips Rococo in Bloom
For sale here:
"Frondly" teableau for 02/17/25
On Saturday, my elderly neighbor asked for the loan of a vase. I took some options to let him choose. On Sunday, he returned the borrowed vase, with the addition of a bouquet of tulips. He & his wife are just sweet like that.
#Tea #Teableau #Teapot #VintageChina #BlackTea #Tulips #Friends #Kindness #AhmadTeas #
Tulips Aflame at Midnight
For sale here:
I feel like everyone is waiting for spring though the snow is gorgeous...
Longing for spring...
This is one part of my yellow tulips triptych - handmade acrylic painting.
See more here: