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@CStamp @RobotDiver @RegGuy

a lot of the #toxicIdealism you see on #mastodon in terms of "they're not perfect, so don't #vote" is the same as a russian #troll putting an american flag on their #twitter handle and goosing #kremlin narratives targeting #maga

fake #leftists on the #fediverse with lazy easy #left bonafides to do their #psyop

they do it, because it unfortunately works

toxic idealism is a real problem with #leftist rhetoric

they suppress the left vote and we get #trump

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@inthehands @StillIRise1963 @tarheel

why i'm posting this now

#midterms2026 means enough #democrats to stonewall #trump

but as the time draws near you will hear the same old whiny lies:

"both sides the same"

"corruption is everything"

"nothing matters"

"waah waah"

some of it is real #toxicidealism

some of it is #geopolitical #trollfarm #psyop

advertising their fake #leftist bonafides, like an american flag profile on #twitter injecting a #maga #kremlin agenda

people fall for it

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@ohmu @Kierkegaanks

some #nonvoters are #rightWing turds too

we see the #toxicIdealism on the #left, the "it's not perfect so i won't #vote" because we're on #mastodon and in other social silos on the left, which amplifies our impression

still, it's a lot of people like that, enough to make a difference

which is why some of these toxic idealism voices we see are just #geopolitical #trollFarm #psyop, cosplaying their fake #leftWing bonafides and working hard to suppress the vote on the left

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#Midterms2026 #Midterms

Whiny voices soon on #Mastodon:

"both sides the same"

"i oddly focus on only one issue where #Democrats aren't perfect"

"nothing matters, all is #corruption"

and other #toxicIdealism #psyop

these are not organic voices

they will trumpet their #leftism bonafides like Russian #trolls on Twitter with #MAGA flags but they are #agentProvocateur divide and conquer

don't get me wrong:

yes, the Democrats suck

but if you don't see the choice?

oof 🤦

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@cherylgk @mloxton @chrispomeroyhale @the5thColumnist @KathyLK

#toxicidealism on the #left is as bad a phenomenon as #MAGA on the #right

and equally prone to #manipulation by #geopolitical #trollfarm

with MAGA the manipulation is to champion #bigotry and make the #bigot feel safe

with the left the #psyop game is to demand absolute #ideological #purity in high holy fire and brimstone fury, and use that emotional high to detach, alienate, not #vote

and lose

in reality

which is what matters

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@the5thColumnist @mloxton @KathyLK

#trump wants #israel to "finish the problem" in #gaza while #biden started withholding arms at one point because of the #genocide

both the #democrats and #republicans suck

but one is better, and one is worse

if you hew to the standard of perfect and don't #vote or vote 3rd party, you help get us worse

i don't like that. but that is reality

you *never* get perfect as a choice

you must choose better, and *iterate*

#toxicidealism is self-destruction

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@obscurestar @KathyLK

the #right hacks many #psychological weaknesses

blame shifting is a big one

it's unfortunate many on the #left also fall for the trick

out of some misguided sense of anger on the ideologically impure, while the outright malicious are met with silence

the #political effect is obvious and real and strong, and they don't know or care

the left really needs to come to grips with the fact that constant #ideological purity inquisitions kills the left

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@obscurestar @RonSupportsYou @me

i'm not trying to shame

i'm doing withering condemnation, zero appeals

in my view, if #harris and #biden did the impossible and changed #israel's policies and actions, the #toxicidealism gang would merely move the goalposts and invented some other reason not to #vote

their real concern is not #gaza

their real concern is making excuses to abrogate #socialresponsibility

they are useless entitled dead weight

they aren't even on the #left

they're cosplayers

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@RonSupportsYou @me

"Some people, understandably, are extremely opposed to #genocide"

and yet they act in a way to give us #trump, who said "finish the problem" on #gaza and with a son-in-law who wants to build a hotel on dead #palestinians, he called gaza great real estate

people whose heart is in the right place, but they are such fucking morons their actions lead to that which they are opposed to

all heart. no brain

how do you ever work with such impotent fragile #toxicidealism dimwits?

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@JdeB @arrrg

yup, that's #toxicidealism:

heart without thought

principles without reason

those that mean the very best can sometimes do the worst damage

people acting on pigheaded certainty and disregarding education on how their actions, meant well, can in fact harm their own causes

they are also usually those most influenced by propaganda

@gwm @mastodonmigration @firebreathingduck @barney @GreenFire @fiberologist @WAHa_06x36

1. voting for #stein throws the election for #trump. you admit this. you say "not so dire." get your story straight

2. trump will build a gaudy hotel on dead #palestinians. #harris wants a ceasefire. neither is perfect. but one is *better*

3. so what you have is #toxicidealism: "i don't get perfect, so i will act to harm my own cause"

you are not pro-#genocide in thought

but you are pro-genocide in act

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@MikeF @CptSuperlative @Huntn00

a lot of them on #socialmedia are #maga or #geopolitical #troll farms

working #psyop angles of #learnedhelplessness, #toxicidealism, mindless #cynicism, impotency driven by emotional overload, etc

to suppress the #vote

unfortunately there are marks out there for the con job

people have issues. we all do

and some can be worked over by anonymous manipulation to be rendered ineffective on the concerns they care about: better positioned as the enemy of perfect

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@CptSuperlative @Huntn00

then you have the #toxicidealism on the far left

the most privileged and entitled people in the world

their game is not progress, their game is talking up a storm to congratulate themselves on their smug superiority. but it's just ego masturbation. they wall themselves off in a hermetically sealed ivory tower, attacking any effort to progress as imperfect, as long as their inaction is excused. any action is dirty and flawed

of course it is

that's life

Vastatud lõimes

@katrinakatrinka @micchiato

1. #vote #harris you get best possible option for #palestinians. ideal would be #usa ceases military cooperation with #israel but we're not dealing in ideal, we're dealing in real

2. vote #trump you want palestinians to die

3. don't vote/ vote 3rd party, you help trump win

those are your only choices

the last choice is either #maga/ #fsb trolls who know how to run a #psyop, or clueless ego masturbators who harm palestinians in their clueless #toxicidealism