@pixelcode @taylan @signalapp the #centralization, espechally without means to hide it's traffic via @torproject / #Tor makes it trivial to detect and track @signalapp / #Signal users.
And with no self-custody of keys it's trivial to #Room641A the users if the devs get "motivated" under threat of spending the rest of theor lives in jail.
Wondering why my tor snowflake is seeing 0 traffic:
2025/03/26 03:35:23 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 0 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 0 KB, ↓ 0 KB.
2025/03/26 04:35:23 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 0 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 0 KB, ↓ 0 KB.
2025/03/26 05:35:58 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 0 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 0 KB, ↓ 0 KB.
2025/03/26 06:37:15 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 0 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 0 KB, ↓ 0 KB.
Einige der zuletzt hier besonders häufig geteilten #News:
Schwarz-Rot will Überwachungsbefugnisse massiv ausweiten
DSGVO-Verstoß: Luxemburger Gericht bestätigt Rekordstrafe für #Amazon
#Palantir als Interimslösung: #Bundesrat fordert schnellen Einsatz für die #Polizei
US-Behörde stoppt Gelder für Let's Encrypt und #Tor ‒ Open Tech Fund wehrt sich
Kampf um US-Fördermittel für wichtige Open-Source-Projekte! Nach einem Trump-Dekret klagt der Open Technology Fund (OTF) für Tor, F-Droid & Let's Encrypt. Steht die Zukunft freier Software auf dem Spiel?
Mehr dazu hier: https://www.heise.de/news/Nach-Trump-Dekret-Kampf-um-US-Foerdermittel-fuer-Tor-F-Droid-und-Let-s-Encrypt-10328226.html #OpenSource #Tor #FDroid #LetsEncrypt #OTF #USA
@signalapp It's not #disinfo when one points out that you demand #PII aka. #PhoneNumbers from Users and that is literally a architectural vulnerability, alongside your #proprietary & #Centralized #Infrastructure.
Not to mention the lack of @torproject / #Tor support with an #OnionService or the willingness to fulfill #cyberfacist "Embargoes" or shilling a #Shitcoin #Scam named #MobileCoin!
And don't get me started on the #cyberfacism that is #CloudAct.
I may nit have allvthe.evidence yet, but #Signal stenches like #ANØM: #Honeypot-esque!
Falls noch irgendjemand denkt, diese durchgeknallten Putschisten in den USA gingen einen nichts an: Die #Trump-Regierung streicht die #OTF Förderung von #OpenSource nahezu komplett.
Fazit: Wir brauchen in #Deutschland und #Europa eine stabile, dauerhafte und auskömmliche Förderung. Wir brauchen ein #Digitalministerium zur Koordination. JETZT.
@froge @forthy42 @fj to me, @signalapp being centralized and not even doing tue absolute minimum of supporting @torproject / #Tor and having at least an #OnionService as #API-Endpoint makes them #UsefulIdiots.
It's several things like that that rubvme the wrong way and that make it uncomfortable.
US-Behörde stoppt Gelder für Let's Encrypt und Tor ‒ Open Tech Fund wehrt sich | heise online
@bdf2121cc3334b35b6ecda66e471 @froge @fj maybe but it's better than a #proprietary, #SingleBendor & #SingleProvider solutiom as it just works even on #throttled, sub-#2G speeds over #Tor...
@froge @fj I'm not replacing @signalapp with "random tools" but good options.
Like @delta & @thunderbird as well as @monocles / #monoclesChat & @gajim which work flawlessly over @torproject / #Tor using @tails / @tails_live / #Tails and @guardianproject / #Orbot respectably.
Considering the costs of even acquiring and upkeeping an #anonymous #SIM, I'd rather pay €2 p.m. for #XMPP+#OMEMO and #PGP/MIME-supported #eMail with the option of self-custody than $2,50+ p.m. just to keep a phone number.
Or is anyone here expecting @Mer__edith to risk jail for life amd not comply with #CloudAct?
It stenches like #ANØM, because NOTHING IS FOR FREE and running a #VCmoneyBurningParty is expensive...
uuuh der Talk zu #tor -nodes von @senf auf den #clt2025 ist sogar schon online :)
Und der Talk von Constanze zum #Rechenwerk und dem #Relaiscomputer ist auch schon online!
Danke an alle Helferinnen und Helfer, die diese schöne Veranstaltung möglich gemacht haben.
Wir bauen jetzt so langsam den @c3d2 Stand ab und danken für die beiden schönen Tage mit vielen Lieben Menschen und tollen Gesprächen!
@700Sachen @Bingenberger @groso dann doch lieber auf #XMPP+#OMEMO über #Tor migrieren, weil da funzen Sprachnachrichten nicht statt #NSAbook mit extea #Stimmdaten zu füttern.die dank #CloudAct US-Regierungseigentum werden und/oder dann für #Deepfakes genutzt werden können.
Dieser Dank gebührt natürlich nicht nur uns von @digitalcourage, sondern allen voran dem @torproject, allen die #Tor-Services betreiben, dafür spenden und persönlich von mir auch denen, die unsere diversen Torserver aufgesetzt haben und denen, die diese heute pflegen.
@danmodp When #Firefox got AI I switched to #Vivaldi and like it so far. Don't know if you'd count it as lightweight.
If privacy is your main concern then the obvious answer is the #Tor browser.
I am thinking of checking out #Konqueror again. It's been a good few years but I remember liking it, and it's good that there's a browser outside the WebKit/Blink/Gecko trifecta.
@ckrypto if@signalapp@mastodon.world wasn't complying with #CloudAct, @Mer__edith would be in jail.
Not to mention even if Signal keeps their "#OpenSource" code updated - which is doubtful, NOONE can actually #verify that it's the code you actually use - regardless if #backend / #Server or #client / #App!
Also if Signal was designed for #security, it would've been #decentralized as #XMPP+#OMEMO and not demand #PII like #PhoneNumbers which oftentimes cannot be obtained anonymously in many juristictions at all!
By comparison, @delta doesn't require any PII, only an #eMail account, and @monocles isn't a #VCmoneyBurningParty but sustainable due to #subscription and they don't even require any personal details for #payment: #CashByMail and #Monero are accepted.
Again: It's Signal alone who have to evidence they are trustworthy, and all I get are "#TrustMeBro!" replies, which means they are not to be trusted.
Whereas with #XMPP I can completely setup my own server and client, even build my own if I don't trust anyone else and pay someone to audit the code.
Whereas with XMPP & PGP/MIME #eMail I can layer @torproject / #Tor over it, make it an #OnionService and keep that thing under my bed with a literal killswitch...
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