on üks paljudest sõltumatutest Mastodoni serveritest, mida saab fediversumis osalemiseks kasutada. on mõeldud Eestis üldkasutatavaks Mastodoni serveriks. is meant to be a general use Mastodon server for Estonia.


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The project management tool is shutting down, which is a real bummer - our company was one of the early adopters and we have used it for years. Height had one of the best designs I've ever seen, and I had high hopes for it.

This is a reminder that any service can be shut down at any moment, with no safeguards in place. It's also a reminder of the power of open source - something we don't have in this case.

I have a lot of requirements for a project management tool - most notably a solid API, linkable tasks with task IDs, and a good user interface. After this experience, I'd prefer something open source. Maybe, looks very similar to

Any solid alternatives to tools like Jira, ClickUp, Height, or Favro? I'm open to suggestions.

In den letzten Tagen denke ich häufiger an ein Schreibprojekt und überlege, wie ich es umsetzen kann.

Arbeitstitel: Der Magische Moselführer.
Ein Reiseführer über magische Orte und Personen an der #Mosel. Die Idee eignet sich gut als Spielhilfe für ein Urban Fantasy #pnpde

Aber wie immer frage ich mich, welche #Tools ich nutzen soll, vor allem wenn ich später ein schönes Design haben möchte.

Habt ihr Ideen? Was nutzt ihr?

Another week. Another museum. This week the Swedish History Museum in Stockholm. I came here largely to see this one tool chest.

It's the Mästermyr toolchest. A 1000 year old chest filled with blacksmithing and woodworking tools. It's an incredibly important find. Beautifully preserved in the bog. The tools are wonderful. I'd seen pictures and read about these tools, but to see them up close. That hack saw is exquisite.

I wonder how the chest ended up discarded.

Bitte boost :neofox_heart:

Heute habe ich nach einem vernünftigen Programm gesucht, um unter #Windows Dateien nach einem Muster umzubenennen. Mit den komischen Powerrename konnte ich mich nicht anfreunden.

Man findet viele Programme, das Problem ist dann aber meist, das man einen Key kaufen soll, oder die Oberfläche scheiße zu bedienen ist. Letztlich stieß ich auf die #Freeware "DateiUmbenenner" von dem deutschen Entwickler Stefan Trost.

Man kann seine Einstellungen als Profil sogar speichern und laden, eine Vorschau wie die Dateien heißen werden ist ebenfalls dabei, genau wie nutzbare Variablen :neocat_laptop_owo:

Weil mir das gut gefallen hat und er auf der Homepage noch haufenweise andere nützliche #Tools hat, hab ich ihm auch eine kleine Spende dagelassen :neofox_sign_yes:

Vastatud lõimes

Fixed. But it's time for a new tire.

Question: I would love a good quality compact portable bicycle pump I can bring along. Preferably something that goes up to six-ish bar.

Weight and size isn't the greatest issue (see photo of my bike before.. this ain't no carbon racer) but within reason something I can throw in the green box would be nice.

What are you suggestions @fedibikes?

Went through the lid pouch of my backpack, to remove clutter and extra weight. Found I have quite the #EDC collection...

I guess it can be split into #Electronics, #Tools, #Sewing and #EverydayLife.

What I'm showing in the photos is the stuff I decided to keep in there (yes, there was more).

There are also other little pouches on this backpack that I keep other essentials in, but I'll just stay with the one for now.

Check the #AltText for details.


Americans are such a selfish lot.

Zero concern for the damage done to others, but as soon as it hits home, Republicans are the first in line to complain.

Live with it. Actions have consequences.
And zero sympathy. Meet Esau: Hebrews 12:16-17.

"They voted for Trump in 2024. Months later, his administration fired them"

“I was devastated...”

CNN · They voted for Trump in 2024. Months later, his administration fired themNicquel Terry Ellis poolt

Thought I should post something today. Just a quick progress update. I finished the exterior last week and now have started building the sliding door. I am sick at the moment, so all work has stopped.

Hopefully I will start feeling better soon and be able to get back to work.

Cool motorcycle pictures and stuff will have to wait a little longer. Sorry 🙁

Vastatud lõimes

Big question, Why ATProtocol from #BlueSkySocial #PBC’s mouth instead of Mastodon and ActivityPub?:

“Why not use ActivityPub? #ActivityPub is a federated social networking technology popularized by #Mastodon.

Account #portability is a major reason why we chose to build a separate protocol. We consider portability to be crucial because it protects #users from sudden bans, server shutdowns, and policy disagreements. Our #solution for portability requires both signed data repositories and #DIDs, neither of which are easy to retrofit into ActivityPub. The migration #tools for ActivityPub are comparatively limited; they require the original server to provide a redirect and cannot migrate the user's previous data.

Another major reason is #scalability. #ActivityPub depends heavily on delivering messages between a wide network of small-to-medium sized nodes, which can cause individual #nodes to be flooded with traffic and generally struggles to provide global views of #activity.”

Short version, WE CANT CONTROL YOU.


AT ProtocolATProto for distributed systems engineers - AT ProtocolAT Protocol is the tech developed at Bluesky for open social networking. In this article we're going to explore AT Proto from the perspective of distributed backend engineering.

"@nextcloud Chef: «Microsoft wollte uns dafür bezahlen, dass wir die Beschwerde zurückziehen»"
– von @adfichter

Und immer noch sind viele Firmen naiv leichtgläubig. Nur weil so gut wie alle M$ Produkte anwenden, glauben sie es sei prof. Fast niemand achtet auf die offene Formate an sich, die von Tools unabhängig sind. Dieser Gedanke wäre mal ein Ansatz für unsere Unabhängigkeit & offene SW ist nicht unsicherer.


Nextcloud-Chef: «Microsoft wollte uns dafür bezahlen, dass wir die Beschwerde zurückziehen»
Das Netz ist politisch · Nextcloud-Chef: «Microsoft wollte uns dafür bezahlen, dass wir die Beschwerde zurückziehen» - Das Netz ist politischIn Zeiten, in denen amerikanische Tech-CEOs auf Schmusekurs mit der autokratisch regierenden Administration von US-Präsident Donald Trump gehen und das Credo

I think I've finally found my definitive notes app, after trying a range of options, including Obsidian, Joplin and OneNote…

I'm quite content with Standard Notes now. It offers everything I was looking for: minimalistic plain text notes, free cross-platform syncing, open source, accessible via Web, desktop app and mobile apps, password protected notes, end-to-end encryption, a clear UI, and no bells and whistles. 👍

standardnotes.comStandard Notes | End-To-End Encrypted Notes AppStandard Notes helps you gain control in a world that often feels out of control. Protect your life's work with end-to-end encryption, advanced security measures, and unmatched privacy controls.

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