#Switch to #opensource solutions:
Windows: #Linux
Photoshop: #Gimp 3.0-rc
Illustrator: #Inkscape
PremierePro: #Kdenlive, #Shotcut
Office/Acrobat: #OnlyOffice, #LibreOffice
Maya: #Blender
Media: #VLC
Unity: #Godot
ToonBoom: #SynfigStudio, #Pencil2D
InDesign: #Scribus
Nuke: #Natron
Procreate: #Krita
After Effects: #Friction
Mathematica: #SageMath, #SymPy
MatLab: #GnuOctave
Audition: #Audacity
Autocad: #FreeCAD, #QCad
Ableton: #Ardour, #LMMS (daily build)
Lightroom: #DarkTable, #RawTherapee
Color version of "How do the complex roots of the polynomial in the title move when t₁ and t₂ vary on S₁ x S₁?"
Made with #python, #matplotlib, #numpy and #sympy