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Need a hopeful story? 22 students at the Eindhoven University of Technology in the Netherlands, 4 years ago, set out to "really inspire people and the market and society to accelerate the transition towards a more sustainable future. What we’re trying to do is to show people and show companies what’s already possible.”

So they made a #solarpunk campervan fully equipped with living essentials including a double bed, sofa, kitchen area and a bathroom with a shower, sink and toilet. It can fit two people, who can drive, cook breakfast and watch television using just the vehicle’s solar-charged battery.

Then they took it on a tour of Europe driving 1,200 miles without stopping for fuel or plugging in to charge.

Is having solar panels #solarpunk on its own?

Is a community element a requirement? Does there have to be anticapitalist elements? Non exploitation/extractive?

The visual vibe is pretty strong and defined, there's colour, light, plants and life merged in with diverse communities, centered around common spaces.

I (personally) haven't seen as much work on defining the core ethos. (links to reading for me to do to correct that greatly appreciated)

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0: "Do you have a grant writing person or a formal donation campaign?"

1: What would we use money for?

People pick up food and drop it off. They volunteer their time and gas/electricity/feet-movement and get some food out of it.

Do you... do you wanna pitch over a fiver for gas? That'd help! Or I just bought some bags to store some bread in from the bakery... I guess I could use 2 dollars to that end...

Wait... what are YOU using money for?

0: "Well.. we have to pay the guy who writes grants and organizes donation campaigns."

1: Huh...

Lol at talking to non-profits from a anarchist mutual aid standpoint.

0: "So... we're just not used to how you are doing things. It's very new and exciting! But I'm not sure if it's aligned with what we do."

1: "We're... we're doing the exact same thing.... and we're doing it in a normal way.... and an old way... what do you mean?"

0: "It's just... well... we're used to a top down non-profit approach where people write grant requests and get a lot of money and then... well I'm not sure what they do with the money... but you all are just, well, going out there and doing it. Without any money. Or formal organization."

1: "Yeah... alright... umm... So you wanna work together or not?"

0: "Frankly you scare us."

1: "Yeah, I get that a lot."

(Side note, we have a person who works in corporate consulting and can speak non-profit language really well... she has volunteered to have us shut up and only let her speak. We all think that's the best idea going forward."

Vastas kasutajale alxd ✏️ solarpunk prompts

@alxd @patryk @Farbs @susankayequinn @Tom_ofB @happyjacksrpg @FullyAutomatedRPG

Yeah I think there's another misunderstanding on goals and on what FA! is trying to be. It's not aiming to be your dream #solarpunk TTRPG. To be honest, I don't think it's even aimed at hardcore solarpunk *players*. It's aiming to be a drop-in replacement for DnD et al. This is a game the one solarpunk in the friend group can bring to game night. It's mechanically familiar but introduces them to the setting.

Vastas kasutajale JacobCoffin

@jacobcoffin @patryk @Farbs @susankayequinn @Tom_ofB @happyjacksrpg @FullyAutomatedRPG

I am not saying that this approach is wrong, I am just asking you to own it :D

Instead of addressing the feedback against it at the beta phase you made a whole page explaining why it's right, so let's just go with it!

It's a combat #TTRPG with a #solarpunk paintover!

Can it tell Solarpunk stories! Sure it does!

Does it support it mechanically? ...kinda? Ok?

You can still tell worthwhile stories in it!

Vastas kasutajale JacobCoffin

@jacobcoffin @patryk @Farbs @susankayequinn @Tom_ofB @happyjacksrpg @FullyAutomatedRPG

"Lastly, there’s just the simple fact that if we’re going to release a game, it’s our opportunity to do things the way we think is right. We’d never seen a combat system we liked, and we developed one that we happen to think is quite remarkable. So this was the chance to try to show off the way we think combat should be done."

So listen sonny, #solarpunk was an afterthought, this is our heartbreaker!

Vastas kasutajale JacobCoffin

@jacobcoffin @patryk @Farbs @susankayequinn @Tom_ofB @happyjacksrpg @FullyAutomatedRPG

Because I can run a #solarpunk story with #DnD , with #cyberpunkRed, with #paranoia and even FATAL.

I just admit that I will be working without the main design philosophies of those games, often against them. None of them were written to tell the stories I want to tell.

As I said, we had multiple examples of people running non-violent D&D 5E - often with just single skill-checks.

It's just not what I want

Vastas kasutajale JacobCoffin

@jacobcoffin @FullyAutomatedRPG @patryk @Farbs @susankayequinn @Tom_ofB @happyjacksrpg

Well, my take on #solarpunk is kind of post-violence. Not denying it will happen, just trying to imagine a world healing from it. Ever noticed that Wanderhome is explicitly post-war?

But yes, we disagree on violence as a tool in the game. I want game design which specifically inspires people to find non-violent solutions and forget of violence-as-a-default that the mainstream Western culture promotes.

Wie könnte eine Wirtschaft aussehen, die die Grundbedürfnisse aller Menschen erfüllt, ohne die ökologischen Grenzen der Erde zu verletzen?

Wenn du Lust hast,

- mehr über Wirtschaft, Gesellschaft und globale Zusammenhänge zu verstehen,
- Handwerkszeug für effektives Engagement zu lernen,
- und deinen eigenen Platz in der Veränderung zu finden,

bist du hier richtig. Komm mit uns auf eine kollektive Lernreise!

Bewegungsakademie e.V.Die Wirtschaft der Zukunft - Bewegungsakademie e.V.Noch wenige Plätze frei – jetzt noch hier bewerben! Wie könnte eine Wirtschaft aussehen, die die Grundbedürfnisse aller Menschen erfüllt, ohne die ökologischen Grenzen der Erde zu verletzen? Und was können wir selber dazu beitragen? Wenn du Lust hast, bist du hier richtig. Komm mit uns auf eine kollektive Lernreise! Termine und Inhalte Auf allen […]
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@Tom_ofB @Farbs

cooperative games are great for this—I'm not a big gamer, but the ones I like to play are cooperative games

I just launched a #solarpunk anthology (releases Earth Day) & one of our giveaway items is DAYBREAK a table top coop game where you're working together to fight climate change.

There are more solarpunk (or adjacent) games all the time.

Part of solarpunk is *not* having a lone hero, the idea that it will take all of us, together.

Not me wanting to pick up mobile app development so I can build my own Food Rescue app.

These apps have very basic functionality. I've looked at a couple now. From open source apps to multi-thousand dollar a year apps designed by "non-profits". I think I could make a better one.

Only issue would be backend server processing and space... it wouldn't be a lot. Just a database.

I could do this...

Hashtag: I haven't really thought this through

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Ok! It's a solid app and it works.

It's open sourced with a fun anti-capitalist license:

It allows admins / organizers to:
- create a Donor/Contributer profile
- create a Dropoff/Distributor profile
- create a food rescue pickup between a Contributor and a Distributor site at a specific time during the day for specific days.

It allows users / gleaners to:
- See all the available food rescue pickups
- Read notes on the pickup and dropoff locations
- See a map of both sites and the route between the two.

The app is a self-described MVP - Minimum Viable Product. It works but does not have a lot of features. It hasn't had an update in a couple of years, but it is actively used (there's not much to update unless someone discloses vulns or they add a new feature).

They're talking about raising money and hiring a software engineer, but this is definitely a good candidate for a hackathon or FOSS programming program.

Some things that I would like to see (if I or other could code it for them):
- Ability of users filter open food rescue pick-ups by distance from their home to the pickup location, or their home to the dropoff location
- Ability of users to filter for specific days of the week (right now they can see specific dates, but if they want to see all shifts for the next several Mondays - for example - they aren't able to filter it).

One problem that I haven't figured out, is if a user / volunteer / gleaner commits to a recurring shift, I can't see how they drop their commitment to that shift. I've emailed FRA to see if I'm missing something.

Long and short, it's lacking some features that I've seen in other food rescue coordination software, but these software apps don't have a lot of features or functionality to begin with. Also the other apps seem to be for profit (even if under the aegis of "non-profit") and often have a dedicated software engineer. This is a FOSS app made by a bunch of volunteers.

Long and short, it absolutely beats a manually maintained spreadsheet! And it's not far behind other apps that have a dedicated software team.

Thread 2/2

GitLabLICENSE · development · Food Rescue Alliance / Rootable · GitLabSoftware that aids community-based organizations in redistributing food. Rootable manages schedules, deliveries, donations, volunteers, and data for food rescue shifts.
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@tankdigital @canadaduane

For a few years I kept wondering how to explain the #hacker approach to #technology - most people don't understand why modify what's already working?

I realized I need to show someone for whom the technology is not working - a person with a #disability , someone who chooses to modify their tools to fit them instead of modifying their own body to fit the tech.

I'm talking about #narrative s like this.

This is the human-centered #solarpunk tech for me.

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@tankdigital @canadaduane

I do think that #technology in #solarpunk should be an expression of a community / society and their values, choices.

This also means that we need to propagate this context of what technology is within our culture, our stories and narratives, so that people don't need to study everything on their own.

From where we're standing, it sounds absurd, but this was the goal behind my project, a story of a disabled hacker and her perspective.

Glider InkGlider InkGlider Ink - a new narrative about hacker communities