on üks paljudest sõltumatutest Mastodoni serveritest, mida saab fediversumis osalemiseks kasutada. on mõeldud Eestis üldkasutatavaks Mastodoni serveriks. is meant to be a general use Mastodon server for Estonia.


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There is something a bit weird going on. Been sorting through my photos from the last week & LOADS of clouds are forming with open mouths. This is not normal. You'd get one every now and then but honestly, they're EVERYWHERE.

I, of course, welcome our new Chompy Cloud Overlords but still... it's a bit odd. There is, I suppose, a slight chance that I have just spent too long looking at clouds.

It's a mystery 🧐

You know how the wee window you type in asks "What's on your mind?" before you've written anything?

Sometimes, when I've posted the picture and it's just sitting there with that question above, I just think "well, not very much, obviously".

Anyhow, apropos of nothing in particular, have another cloud.

Wasn't sure what to do with the Friday Dancers today. Can you tell? 🐼 😆

Anyhow, as ever, have a good weekend if you possibly can, and if you have the opportunity and inclination to dance like a panda, however poorly, I reckon you should go for it.

*nods wisely*

(fwiw the dancers would have been able to match the panda dance better if they'd been looking the right way, but they like to keep an eye on everyone)

Feeling a bit guilty, as I swapped my extensive filters from "show with warning" to "hide completely" & now my timeline is a bit quiet. I will change them back, just taking a bit of a break, but big hugs (if you want them) to anyone without the luxury of being able to ignore it all for a while.

Have some silliness from the woods as compensation for my inattentiveness.