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We watched as the flour settled across the land. The smell if marinara was thick in the air.

"That son of a bitch. He really did it," I said to myself as I looked upon the rubble of the demolished hut.

The chef turned back to me and smiled, fresh mozzarella in hand.

He really had done it.

He had out pizza'd the hut.

I have no idea what made me think of The Frantics, and their 1980s skit Last Will and Testament, but it doesn't matter because now I can once again share the brilliance that is: Boot To The Head. (There is a longer video that has the reading of the will and another sketch around Boot to the Head conceptually...but I thought we could all use a catchy leit motif for the coming weeks.) You know, something to whistle as you measure out the lumber for the guillotines. #boottothehead #silly #genx TheFrantics

So, at the beginning of the school year, my wife started to fill out little note cards for our youngest three kids (10, 10, and 13) to put in their lunchboxes.

One day, she was running late in the morning and I started writing the notes. I didn't know what she had been doing, so I just added some little pictures to each one.

They apparently loved it, so I've been doing it since.

I don't normally share what I do, cause that's for them. However, this morning, I did a self-portrait.

So, here you go.

A slow jazz version of Moon River was playing earlier, & I thought how many songs simply wouldn't work in metric. "Wider than 1.6 km" 🎵 lacks something.

And the Proclaimers just wouldn't sound right, "I would walk 500km". Although it would be easier on their feet.

I shudder to think what the jazz of Kilometres Davis would have been like...