I ate 2 lbs of manilla #clams by myself over last weekend. My dipping sauces: nuoc cham & finely minced garlic with butter.
Thrifty Foods on Admirals Rd. sells farmed manilla clams from the Fanny Bay Seafood company up island.
I ate 2 lbs of manilla #clams by myself over last weekend. My dipping sauces: nuoc cham & finely minced garlic with butter.
Thrifty Foods on Admirals Rd. sells farmed manilla clams from the Fanny Bay Seafood company up island.
"Spanish fishers in #Galicia — Europe’s main source of #shellfish and the biggest producer of #mussels in the world — are reporting a “catastrophic” collapse in shellfish populations due to the #climate crisis.
Some shellfish stocks have plummeted by 90 percent in just a few years."
Spanish Fishers in Galicia Say #Shellfish Stocks Are Collapsing Due to Climate Change
#ClimateCrisis #Spain
Spanish fishers in Galicia are reporting a “catastrophic” collapse in shellfish populations due to the climate crisis.
We picked up 2lbs of manilla #clams from #FannyBaySeafoodStore in #UnionBay by Denman/Hornby Islands ferry & ate them all on our first night at cabin last week. We had butter & garlic plus nuoc cham with lime juice & chili sauce for dipping. It was so good.
Cost us just over $20.
There was many types of #ClamShells & much #diversity of beautiful & edible #seaweeds washed up on highbanks, post windstorm.
There's over 100 different types of seaweeds found along the coasts of Vancouver Island. There's 6 types of clams found on beaches of the island.
I steamed up some #clams before midnight
Ate bunch of them with chili nuoc cham sauce with lots of lime juice added. These ones are from up island - bought from local vendor. They're littlenecks & manillas - really common on our island beaches.
I'm going clam digging & oyster harvesting next week - up island.
Digging for #clams near #UnionBay on #VancouverIsland.
The #ClamGardens #RestorationProject has reclaimed #W̱SÁNEĆ knowledge, improved #ecosystems and provided the W̱SÁNEĆ Nation with additional funding.
From 2014 to 2019, #ParksCanada, the #W̱SÁNEĆNation and the #Hulquminum #FirstNations participated in the Clam Garden Restoration project.
Clam gardens are #AncientSites along shorelines in W̱SÁNEĆ territory that #Indigenous people tended for thousands of years to enhance the production of #clams and related sea creatures. Clams were an important source of protein for W̱SÁNEĆ people. The Clam Restoration project spent 5 years working to restore clam gardens in W̱SÁNEĆ territory. In addition to improving the #ecology of two clam gardens, the project also aimed to reclaim W̱SÁNEĆ knowledge, practices and culture related to clam gardens.
Learn more & sign up to help out:
The #CowichanRiver #estuary is one of the largest & most important in #BritishColumbia. The #watershed drains 90,000 hectares & provides #CriticalHabitat to dozens of #fish species, including #steelhead, #Chinook, #chum, #coho & #PinkSalmon, as well as brown, #cutthroat & #RainbowTrout. But the #Cowichan’s troubles are by no means unique; they are a #CaseStudy for a much larger problem.
#TimberCompanies store #LogBooms all along the #BCcoast, says Jamieson Atkinson, a fish #biologist & program manager for the #Aquatic #Research & #Restoration Centre at #BritishColumbiaConservationFoundation. “It’s shocking.” While #estuaries make up less than 3% of British Columbia’s coast, they provide rich #habitat for 80% of the province’s coastal #wildlife. The #FraserRiver estuary, near #Vancouver on the mainland, supports more than 300 species of #birds & 80 species of fish & #shellfish for at least part of their life cycles.