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Doing some meal planning for next week before heading off to VGH for 6am pre-op support, before my orthotics appointment at 8:30am.

I'm a huge fan of the tomatoes based Manhattan clam chowder. I'm lactose intolerant so tend to avoid creamy soups - not a fan of the more popular New England cream based clam chowder. I've only found one place in #VictoriaBC that offers it on their menu, White Spot. Finest At Sea used to sell it too but now only sell the NE style, which I can't eat without feeling sick.

I found this #ManhattanClamChowder #recipe to try out next week:

Brown Eyed Baker · Manhattan Clam Chowder RecipeA quick, weeknight-worthy recipe for Manhattan Clam Chowder - robust and full of flavor.

I went to Annie's #Seafood in #Stratford #Ontario for a early dinner. I had the #GlutenFree #Haddock and #Chips, which came with a side #Coleslaw. It was excellent, on par with the best glutened fish and chips. I found out that on Wednesdays they exclusively serve gluten free, that includes onion rings, desserts and even multiple gf beers.

Annie's Seafood Restaurant | Stratford
698 Ontario Street, Stratford, Ontario


How a Risky State Investment in Seafood Cost Alaskans Millions and Left a Fishing Town in Crisis

Leaders of the Alaska Permanent Fund, which pays residents annual dividends and finances government services, wanted to invest in Alaska companies. There were warning signs ahead of the bet on Peter Pan Seafood, which cost Alaskans $29 million.

ProPublicaHow a Risky State Investment in Seafood Cost Alaskans Millions and Left a Fishing Town in Crisis
Veel kasutajalt ProPublica

I got to enjoy eating my two fave #seafood for my birthday getaway - #crab & #clams. Due to the unexpected blizzard that hit, we weren't able to go out for crabbing or hiking as previously planned. Which wasn't a bad thing since I wasn't 100% well yet. I actually preferred just hanging out at the suite. We played board/card games, watched some funny shows, played billiards, enjoyed multiple home spa treatments, hot tubbing to ease muscle aches(fab to sit in as it snowed too, covered so it was pleasant), reading books, listening to music CDs, playing rain drums & doing fun watercolour art. Really lovely, quiet & relaxing friends bonding time over my birthday getaway.

This is the first birthday I've happily celebrated with friends in several years. I'm glad they took me away for a relaxing celebration of my existence.
I'd been too depressed/too overloaded with CPTSD to want to celebrate since 2019. It took me years to recover from being brainwashed into thinking I was worthless/not a valuable person. I am never going to allow anyone to treat me like that again. I am not & have never been - worthless. I have much value. I deserve love, kindness & respect.

🌊 Our oceans are choking on industrial waste, farm runoff, and plastic debris. 🐠🐢 Coral reefs and marine life are devastated, and contaminated seafood poses serious health risks. 🦞🐟 Sustainable practices and environmental conservation are crucial to protect our oceans and our future.
👉▶️ For more insights:

Had a great time at #photographer Jay Fleming’s holiday party last night. The local oysters were caught yesterday and oh so tasty 🤤 Orchard Point Oyster Co was grilling oysters and Jimmy’s Seafood was serving up catfish tostadas. Lyons Rum and Forward Brewery were keeping the thirst quenched 🍺 Great turnout and a great fundraiser for the Annapolis Maritime Museum and support for local businesses!
#boating #seafood #local #dmv #workingthewater