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This #LongCovidAwarenessDay I’m reflecting on how many people have been let down by governments, public health & medical establishments

How Covid has been downplayed, airborne spread ignored & vaxx and relax strategies pushed for the sake of capitalism

How many have Long Covid because of this?

Those of us who were disabled before the pandemic could see this wave of chronic illness coming - and many of us have been screaming from the top of our lungs the last 5 years.

Begging people not to take their health for granted & to wear a mask and protect themselves.

Warning them that there are no do-overs once you become chronically ill. Unfortunately very few people are listening - and many won’t understand the true devastation of #LongCovid until it directly impacts them. At which point it’ll be too late.

Despite seeing these waves of disability as an inevitable consequence of “let er rip” Covid strategy - one thing I did not see coming was how many people would willingly embrace not only ableism - but full on eugenics.

People in my own life who were previously kind & supportive have become cruel and angry. The masks have been ripped off. They don’t hesitate to tell me that they blame me for the restrictions placed on them in the early days of Covid.

That they will never again allow their freedoms to be infringed on in the name of protecting the vulnerable. One even went as far as to say “you’ve been sick for years - just die already.”

People who say these things don’t understand what disabled ppl understand all too well - your health is not a permanent state.

Everyone will become disabled eventually - some earlier than others. Many who think they’re invulnerable are already vulnerable and don’t even know it

Yet rather than adapting behaviour and pushing for a new normal that makes the world safe for everyone - most temporarily abled people have instead doubled down on hateful eugenics talking points and want us to stay home forever (or worse - die). It needs to stop.

Covid is airborne and we all share the air. “You do you” individualism is quite literally killing people. We need to start caring about the air we share as this will lead to a healthier society for everyone.

Until then we need to mask up. It’s easy, incredibly effective & it might save someone’s life. At the very least you will know you didn’t contribute to another person’s suffering - and you will be drastically reducing your own odds of getting Long Covid. It’s worth it.

The Disabled Ginger · I Don't Know Anyone With Long CovidBroadwaybabyto poolt

It’s International Long Covid Awareness Day, and my latest article looks at the reasons why people believe they don’t know anyone with Long Covid.

We desperately need increased visibility into this debilitating chronic illness so that we can raise awareness and fund treatments, mitigations and cures.

Anyone can get Long Covid. It’s not limited to ‘only the vulnerable’ or those who had a severe initial infection.

This disease does not discriminate. Even people with asymptomatic initial infections have found themselves disabled by Long Covid.

It’s time we start processing the trauma of the pandemic and stop living in denial.

We are in the middle of a mass disabling event, and the longer it takes us to admit that, the more people will be harmed.

Let’s spread the word that the only way to avoid Long Covid is to avoid getting Covid in the first place.

Wear a mask. Stay home when sick. Clean and ventilate the air.

When we all agree to care about the air we share, we can begin to bring about real change.

The Disabled Ginger · I Don't Know Anyone With Long CovidBroadwaybabyto poolt

Ensitrelvir Prevents #COVID19 Infection as Post Exposure Prophylaxis

> Japan-based Shionogi presented results for its investigational antiviral, ensitrelvir, that demonstrated a 67% reduction in the risk of developing COVID-19 in uninfected individuals treated after exposure, compared to a placebo at day 10

ContagionLive · Ensitrelvir Prevents COVID-19 Infection as Post Exposure ProphylaxisJohn Parkinson poolt

German spy agency believed CoVid-19 likely started in a laboratory in Wuhan.

The widely accepted theory is that Covid-19 emerged in bats and then jumped to humans, most likely through another animal, or "intermediary host."

As time worn on, scientists have not found a virus in either bats or another animal that matches the genetic make-up of Covid-19, leading some to doubt the theory.

#Pandemic #CoVid19 #Asian #Health #Virus #PublicHealth #SARSCov2

Four security guards wearing face masks, whose figures are slightly blurred because of the camera's focus, stand in the foreground of the picture. Behind them is the Wuhan Institute of Virology with signs in English and Mandarin spy agency 'believed Covid likely started in lab'China denies German media reports of an assessment carried out by spying agency BND in 2020 supporting the theory.

Corona-Infektionen: Rätsel um PIMS-Erkrankungen bei Kindern gelöst

Die Ursache für das rätselhafte Entzündungssyndrom PIMS als Folge einer Coronainfektion bei Kindern war lange unklar. Jetzt haben Forschende einen Zusammenhang mit einem anderen Virus gefunden. Von Nina Kunze.


Great article from Ewen Callaway in Nature about how #SARSCoV2 has helped us better understand viruses - including the areas where we still have much to learn.

“This was one of the first times where evolutionary biology became an applied science” says @jbloom_lab

www.nature.comFour ways COVID changed virology: lessons from the most sequenced virus of all timeAfter 150,000 articles and 17 million genome sequences, what has science taught us about SARS-Cov-2?

‼️ Cause of post-#COVID inflammatory shock in children identified: Reactivation of the Epstein-Barr virus appears to cause the rare condition #MISC. The findings, uncovered by a team from #CharitéBerlin & the DRFZ, have now been published in #Nature.

💡 These insights open the door to new treatment methods, potentially not limited to MIS-C.


#CharitéPaper #Science #Research #Medicine #EBV #PIMS #SARSCoV2 #COVID19 #corona

Today marks the five year anniversary of Covid being declared a pandemic. Some things I want people to remember:

The threat is not gone. People are still dying and becoming disabled every single day

COVID is airborne. It’s always been airborne. Droplet transmission was pushed incorrectly & then doubled down on for economic reasons. If governments admit it’s airborne, they have to spend money upgrading air quality and providing respirators etc.

The only way to avoid Long Covid is to not get Covid.

A well fitted respirator like an N95 offers excellent personal protection

Mask mandates belong in healthcare

If you’re not masking for your patient, you’re abdicating your responsibility to do no harm

It costs nothing to open a window and it will improve ventilation and reduce odds of viral spread. Air purifiers work well too

COVID is a social justice issue. Masks, tests, air filters, paid time off… these things all cost money. The disease disproportionately impacts those who are most vulnerable and multiple marginalized

Repeat infections don’t make you stronger. They don’t give you immunity. They actually harm your brain, heart and immune system. They’re also NOT inevitable

Kids are harmed by COVID too. They need the adults to protect them. We need clean in schools and on school buses

We went “back to normal” for capitalism. It wasn’t because it was safe. It wasn’t because there was a cure. Governments and those in power Are willing to sacrifice us to keep end stage capitalism afloat a little longer

Repeat infections are NOT inevitable. We can still curb the spread. We don’t have to accept constant sickness and disability as our new normal.

May we be in a much better place five years from now than we are today.

If you know someone suffering from Long Covid, reach out to them. Ask them how you can support them. Remind them they’ve not been forgotten. Wear a mask for them. They are counting on you.

Vastatud lõimes

@c_9 That IS really exciting!

➡️ prophylactic: "1500-fold reduction in viral load compared with the untreated control" and
➡️ therapeutic: "mean viral load was ~110-fold lower"
(in live mice)

"RBD-specific nAbs have been shown to be the most potent and have exclusively been deployed as approved therapeutics. However, with the emergence of the highly divergent Omicron variants [...] the efficacy of most RBD-specific nAb clinical treatments diminished, leading to their withdrawal from the market"

"several research groups, including ours, have developed multivalent constructs such as bispecific antibodies (bsAbs). These bsAbs feature two different antigen-binding fragments (Fabs) targeting nonoverlapping spike protein epitopes"

Two of the developed bsAbs "retained potent in vitro neutralization activity against all Omicron variants tested"

They observed "infrequent escape mutations in the NTD in response to [bsAbs]"

"the epitope targeted by C1596-like mAbs is under minimal selective pressure and that bsAbs using C1596 as an anchoring modality, such as CoV2-biRN5, may be resilient to circulating strains."

"the versatility of this platform extends beyond SARS-CoV-2, with potential applications against other viral proteins, including those in influenza or HIV. By leveraging broadly binding antibodies to tether other antibodies or inhibitors, these bispecific modalities offer a promising next-generation prophylactic or therapeutic option"

@ducky this seems like it'd be of interest to you too

The Guardian ‘We’re losing decades of our life to this illness’: #longCovid patients on the fear of being forgotten

"Five years on from March 2020, millions of people still face debilitating symptoms, with huge repercussions on public health and productivity. But politicians are starting to pretend the pandemic never happened"

#PwLC #PASC #postcovid
@covid19 #COVIDー19 #COVID19 #COVID #SARSCoV2 #novid #CovidIsNotOver

The Guardian · ‘We’re losing decades of our life to this illness’: long Covid patients on the fear of being forgottenKathryn Bromwich poolt