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"To be different without fear."
T.W. Adorno, Minima Moralia

"The referendum, Mr Sivaraman said, had "mainstreamed a torrent of racism" and emboldened people to "immediately challenge" any small measure granting self-determination to Indigenous people. People feel like the defeat of the Voice has given them licence to espouse their racist views...Racism towards First Nations people within Australia had been a "constant" for 238 years that "escalated dramatically" when there was something to attach it to, like cultural heritage protections or the Voice referendum."

'Freedom is no fear.’ Nina Simone/ Nicholas Payton

#referendum #IndigenousPeoples #FirstNations #voice #silence #CulturalLandscape #sacred #respect #SettlerSociety #WhiteRage #violence #racism #safety #discrimination #denial #backlash #tolerance for #ambiguity #AuthoritarianPersonality #fear #loss #mountains #climbing #industry #Australia #freedom

ABC News · Aboriginal people in western Victoria say Mt Arapiles plan has triggered racial abuseJulia Bergin poolt
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The German state has bound its own re-birth into the “realm of civilized nations” through a particular protective relationship with the figure of the Jew, where (always Jewish) Israelis are a prime embodiment of Jewish life.

"As long as the figure of the Jew remains a medium through which German post-unification identity is articulated and experienced, the performance of Jewish collective difference and political agency will be exclusively relegated to the State of Israel. The figure of the Palestinian, as well as Palestinians’ political subjecthood and demands for equality will, in turn, be addressed as either an annoyance to be ignored or a threat to be criminalized—rather than as a crucial prism through which the multiple layers of legitimatized moral violence in Germany have to be recognized."

Hannah Tzuberi & Nahed Samour in 2022:

Contending Modernities · The German State and the Creation of Un/Desired Communities | Contending ModernitiesThe birth of a morally “improved” German collective necessitates the memory of the Holocaust to remain in vivid proximity, but also requires a sense of perpetual vulnerability of Jews in the present and future.

Time Travel: obscure & cryptic little ad in Artforum Magazine is more relevant today than when it was printed 45 years ago.

#Scientific #research, #spiritual #quest, or #conceptual #art, it's an invitation to make contact with Time Travelers — or Visitors from the Future(s) — at what some would call a landing party. Today, the ongoing work of The Krononaut Moon Project continues at full steam on #Mastodon & #Fediverse.

🌠 🐘 🛸

The historic ad appeared in the 1980 January issue, announcing a gathering to occur two years later on 1982 Mar 09, inviting #Krononauts or #TimeTravelers to beam down to #Baltimore #MD #US. The hundreds of attendees at the night's festivities were documented by a #NYTimes newspaper reporter. Later, others would organize their own inter-dimensional meet-ups in #Perth #AU, #MIT #US, and #Cambridge #UK. (All were receptions of a type-1.0. See links below & on our other @KronoMoon pages for more details.)

The 1980 Artforum ad can be found in #library collections and on the "Time Travel" page of #Wikipedia.


Baltimore's event was timed for a full #Moon & a rare #planetary alignment in 1982, known to #astronomers as a #syzygy. It was the prototype for today's more evolved type-2.0 "experimentations, observations & celebrations" taking place under the shadow of the #TotalLunarEclipse — the night of the #KrononautMoon. There will be 3 #TLEclipses in 2025 & 2026, with the next one coming up on 2025 Mar 14 #UTC 07:00, barely months away.

❛❛ On the Night of the Total Lunar Eclipse,
Time Travelers descend in their space-time ships. ❜❜

All beings are welcome to join us in connecting with the #cosmos, the #multiverse, and your #past & #future #selves. Even folks who gripe that this is utterly preposterous are invited (contrary to the #thinking of a few enlightened #quantum #physicists). Or, you could choose to spend a peaceful night by yourself under the #stars, on a #sacred #mountaintop, at the #beach, or in your own #backyard. The more diverse are these experimental designs, the greater the likelihood of meaningful contact. Or, you could bring along your friends & colleagues, your grandparents & grandkids, your #CatsOfMastodon & #DogsOfMastodon (and don't forget a #camera for lots of @KronoMoonPhotos). Watch the skies for #UFOs, #UAP, or a #signal from the #beyond. Who knows who might be showing up? The #fullMoon will be shining bright on that night, before it goes dark, and then shines bright again, all in an hour or so. Participants will be contributing to the greater body of Community Time Travel Research. Please make plans to come out on 2025 March 14, wherever you are.

🌕 🌑 🌕

Krononauts in the #NYTimes

Krononauts podcast on & TheLastArchive

Krononauts on & Write Under the Moon


#WomensCircles: A #Sacred #Space to Celebrate the #Divine #Feminine

❛❛ gathering of women, for women. #Sisterhood mtgs give women a safe space to connect, share, and empower. ❜❜

2. #Moon #rituals

❛❛ #NewMoons are the time for manifestation, usually at the beginning of the month, a time to set intentions … #FullMoon rituals are the ideal time to let go with rituals that release old habits and limited thought patterns. ❜❜

🔗 2021 Jun 20

Spirituality+Health · Women’s Circles: A Sacred Space to Celebrate… | Spirituality+Health“Women’s circles are a gathering of women, for women. These sisterhood meetings give women a safe space to connect, share, and empower.”

The Silent Killers in #IndianCountry: #Copper, #Lithium, #Uranium and #Plutonium

Judge finds plutonium plants in #NewMexico and #SouthCarolina violated environmental laws

By #BrendaNorrell, #CensoredNews, Oct. 10, 2024

"The U.S. government's plan for increased plutonium production at #LosAlamos National Laboratory, in the heart of Pueblo lands in northern New Mexico, has been delayed by a federal judge.

"Continuing the U.S. legacy of poisoning Indian country with #radiation, this comes as the U.S. government is granting leases to foreign #mining companies targeting Native #sacred lands and communities.

"#CopperMining is targeting San CarlosApache's sacred #OakFlat; #Hualapai are suing the US Department of Interior to halt lithium mining at their sacred spring Ha'Kamwe'; and the U.S. government is promoting the ongoing digging into the #Paiute Massacre Site in northern Nevada for #lithium, in violation of all federal laws that protect Native religious and historic sites, the environment and endangered species.
Uranium mining in the Grand Canyon threatens #Havasupai's aquifer, the haul route endangers everyone in the Four Corners region, and the uranium mill at White Mesa Ute in #Utah is poisoning #Utes.

"Interior Sec. #DebHaaland said in Farmington, N.M., that Los Alamos Labs would be the leader in the so-called '#GreenEnergy transition' in the #FourCorners region.

"More than 500 radioactive #UraniumMill sites remain on the #NavajoNation that have not been cleaned up by the U.S. #EPA, which deceives the public by announcing plans and promises to clean up the #ColdWar sites.

"In the current federal lawsuit, a federal judge in South Carolina ruled that U.S. energy officials illegally neglected to study impacts to the #environment in efforts to increase plutonium production for nuclear weapons in New Mexico and South Carolina.

"'South Carolina District Court Judge Mary Geiger Lewis sided with environmental, #AntiNuclear proliferation and community groups last week who sued the National Nuclear Security Administration (#NNSA), which oversees the nuclear weapons stockpile as part of the U.S. Department of Energy [#DOE],' reports Source New Mexico.

"The U.S. is investing billions into restarting the manufacture of #PlutoniumPits, the grapefruit-sized spheres developed for #nuclear weapons. The plutonium is produced from uranium.

"'The federal government halted its manufacturing program at the #RockyFlatsPlant in #Colorado in 1989 after an FBI raid due to safety concerns and #EnvironmentalCrimes,' Source New Mexico reports.

"The U.S. government's #AtomicBombTesting in #Nevada left a trail of cancer and death for #WesternShoshone. The documentary 'Downwind' reveals the truth.

"'This is a very serious issue and that's why I can't let it go. I can't move on. People say, 'oh, why don't you just let it go?' Because it's killing my family. It's killing my land. It's killing my people. And that will not stand. It's being done in secret. And killing Indians in secret will not stand,' said Ian Zabarte, Principal Man of the Western Bands of the #ShoshoneNation of Indians. Zabarte is featured in '#Downwind' about radiation poisoning from U.S. #NuclearTests.

"Currently, foreign companies -- which receive the profits and find it easy to avoid clean up and responsibility for #environmental crimes and deaths from #cancer -- are receiving the mining leases from the U.S. government. The leases are granted by the U.S. Interior's Bureau of Land Management (BLM) and in the case of #UraniumMining in the #GrandCanyon, it is the USDA's Forestry Service. #Biden's attorneys have joined the lawsuit with #RioTinto to devastate #OakFlat.

"Australian and Canadian mining corporations are devastating Native lands and communities, poisoning the water and causing widespread cancer.
Rio Tinto, targeting Apaches #OakFlat, is an Australian company which destroyed 46,000 years of #Aboriginal sacred history in caves in #Australia.

"Another Australian mining company is targeting #Hualapai's sacred site. It is #Hawstone / #ArizonaLithium, in Perth, Australia.

"#EnergyFuels, now uranium mining in the Grand Canyon, and operating the uranium mill at #WhiteMesaUte, is a Canadian company. Another Canadian company is digging into the #Paiute Massacre Site. It is #LithiumAmericas.
#Hopi judge #DianeHumetewa granted a temporary restraining order to halt the lithium mining at #Hualapai's sacred spring."

Read more:

bsnorrell.blogspot.comThe Silent Killers in Indian Country: Copper, Lithium, Uranium and PlutoniumCensored News is a service to grassroots Indigenous Peoples engaged in resistance and upholding human rights.

Interior Sec. #Haaland Speaks on #ProtectingTheEarth at the #DemocraticNationalConvention, Apparently Forgetting that She is Destroying It

#Genocide takes me many forms: Genocide in boarding schools; the production of weapons for genocide in #Palestine; and the genocide of poisoning and destroying the #Sacred #Ceremonial Places, where the prayers and songs keep the people alive. -- #CensoredNews

By #BrendaNorrell, Censored News, August 23, 2024

"Interior Sec. Deb Haaland spoke about protecting the planet at the Democratic National Convention -- apparently forgetting her support for #LithiumMining into the #Paiute Massacre Site Peehee Mu'huh in Nevada, and the fact that she is being sued by three #Native!merican Tribes in #Arizona for destroying the sacred."

Read more:

#PeeheeMuhuh #ProtectTheSacred #CulturalGenocide #EnvironmentalRacism #ArizonaLithium #WaterIsLife #HaKamwe #SacredSite #CulturalGenocide
#LithiumMining #NoLithiumMining
#EarthJustice #BigSandyRiver
#WesternMiningActionProject #CorporateColonialism #DebHaaland

bsnorrell.blogspot.comInterior Sec. Haaland Speaks on Protecting the Earth at DNC, Apparently Forgetting that She is Destroying ItCensored News is a service to grassroots Indigenous Peoples engaged in resistance and upholding human rights.

[Film] The #ApacheStronghold defending #sacred #OakFlat land from a #CopperMine

The Real News Network
May 21, 2024

"In the heart of the #Arizona high desert lies a battle for the soul of the land. The ancient, sacred grounds of #Apache #Native territory are under threat from a looming giant — a massive copper mine that promises riches for the locals, and a pathway to the so-called green transition. But, as is often the case, it comes at a cost.

"The #SanCarlosApache tribe calls it Chi’chil Bildagoteel; English speakers call it Oak Flat. It sits on a mountainous plateau within a 17.3-kilometer oasis in the #TontoNationalForest. #RioTinto and #BHP, two of the world’s biggest mining companies, have staked their claim here through a joint venture called #ResolutionCopper. For over 10 years they’ve been lobbying governments for the right to build a colossal mine that would cover roughly 7,000 acres of surface area, and extend more than a mile into the ground.

"The only thing that stands in their way is the #resistance of the Apache Stronghold, a nonprofit community organization of #Natives and non-Natives uniting to counter ongoing #colonization, defend holy sites and protect freedom of religion, which was created to protect Chi’chil Bildagoteel.

"A short film by #BrandiMorin and #GeordieDay for #RicochetMedia. Support for this journalism provided by #CulturalSurvival."

#ChichilBildagoteel #RioTinto #CopperMine #SanCarlosApache #Arizona #ProtectOakFlat #protectthesacred #DefendTheSacred #IndigenousActivism #SCOTUS #SaveOakFlat
#WaterIsLife #SacredSite #CopperMining #RecycleCopper #MiningWithoutConsent
#ProtectTheSacred #CulturalGenocide #Ecocide #NativeAmericanNews
#Greenwashing #NoMiningWithoutConsent #CorporateColonialism

[Thread] Random excerpts from #KleeBenally 's book, #NoSpiritualSurrender

The Enemy of #MotherEarth

"From Mother Earth to our bodies, in a #capitalist system everything that can be reduced to a commodity will be. As long as it can be sold, bought, or otherwise exploited, nothing is sacred. So long as the lands (and by extension our bodies) are viewed this way we will have conflict, as #capitalism is the enemy of Mother Earth and all that we hold to be #sacred.

"In its base definition, capitalism is an economic and political system based on an unregulated or 'free' market, private property, competition, and limited government intervention. But the definition obscures the reality that capitalism is based upon extreme social #exploitation and dispossession, #EcologicalDestruction, #hyperindividualism and #materialism, and its history is rooted in #WhiteSupremacy, #cishetereopatriarchy, #genocide, and #slavery.

"To be anti-capitalist is not enough, anti-capitalist propositions rooted in #industrialism and #extractivism are just as invested in #ecocidal (therefore anti-Indigenous) economies. Killing the Earth is killing Indigenous existence, #Colonizers must religiously convince themselves and others that the world is already dead to justify their ongoing violence against the Earth and existence. In the face of global ecological ruin, some attempt to further convince themselves that killing the Earth just a little bit less is an appropriate response."

Pages 136-137

Jätkatud lõim

The #MonkeyTree is the #hardiest species in the #conifer genus #Araucaria. Because of the prevalence of similar species in ancient #prehistory, it is sometimes called an #AnimateFossil.

Its #seeds are #edible, similar to large pine nuts, & are harvested by #Indigenous peoples in #Argentina & #Chile.

The tree has potential to be a #FoodCrop in other areas in the future, thriving in climates with cool oceanic summers. Like, #VancouverIsland & several coastal areas of the #PacificNorthwest.
The tree doesn't yield seeds until it is around 30-40 yrs old though.

Once valued because of its long, straight trunk, its current #rarity & #vulnerable status mean its wood is now rarely used; it is also #sacred to some #Indigenous #Mapuche.

The species is #protected under Appendix I of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES) meaning international trade is regulated by the CITES permitting system & commercial trade in wild sourced specimens is prohibited.