_The Evening Post_, 25 September 1924:
There has been quite a revival of work done by hand, such as #sewing, #knitting, #crochet, etc., during the last few years.… the reasons…the war was responsible because it made so many of us knit and crochet and sew, and now that we have got used to it we go on with the work.…that prices have gone up so much that we can’t afford to buy things, and have to make them ourselves.
…that hand-made things are the fashion…. All these reasons are true, but …another reason…is that so many #women who lead active lives find work with their hands extraordinarily resting, and those who don’t lead active lives find rather monotonous hand work wonderfully soothing.
One woman who leads a very busy life, full of organising and responsibilities, finds her greatest recreation not in games, reading, or dancing, but in #embroidery.… when she is settled to it she is lost to the world and forgets her weariness and worries.
Another who leads a busy life, involving a good deal of brain fag, has discovered the delights of a big and rather monotonous piece of crochet, over which she says, she does not have to think, but can go on and on in a way that rests her tired nerves.