on üks paljudest sõltumatutest Mastodoni serveritest, mida saab fediversumis osalemiseks kasutada. on mõeldud Eestis üldkasutatavaks Mastodoni serveriks. is meant to be a general use Mastodon server for Estonia.


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Heute im #Queer Space #Heidelberg

#unheilbar beats - diesmal mit einer explosiven B2B-Session von NASSTIE & ACIDINE!
NASSTIE bringt euch mit kraftvollen Basslines, crispy Kickdrums und groovigen Percussions zum Schwitzen - inspiriert von 90s #HipHop bis #Latin
ACIDINE entführt euch mit hypnotischem #Trance und treibenden #Acid-Sounds in eine Nacht voller Ekstase.
Gemeinsam verschmelzen sie ihre Styles zu einem Set.
Queer, laut & grenzenlos - tanzt mit uns in eine Nacht voller Energie!

⚠️ EXTREMELY URGENT!! octo is now in debt from not meeting the last 2 months goals. she's barely hanging onto life, she can't afford to eat & is battling suicidal ideation! please help!

$1329/~2441 DUE IN 4 DAYS

octo is a trans, plural recent graduate making plans to move out of her abusive parents' house. she is struggling with severe anxiety & starvation from the #abuse & lack of funds.


⭐ you can get handmade art, a short story collection or an email with file storage space for donating to her here:

@mutualaid @blackfedi #mutualAid #MutualAidRequest #BlackTransMutualAid #transMutualAid #transCrowdfund #trans #queer #gameDev #student #Fundraiser #nonBinary #BlackMutualAid #transgender #gay #tarot #LGBTQIA #plural #actuallyAutistic #bills #LGBTQ #poverty #mentalHealth #handmade #pets #cats #catsOfMastodon #queerMutualAid #QueerCrowdfund

"Everyone knew Beyle…

People felt weird around her, as though they were neither male nor female…

She was recommended to see a noted professor and under his supervision, Beyle became a man…

And they were no longer Beyle, but Berl"

🏳️‍⚧️ Trans people have always been here, even in the shtetl 🏳️‍⚧️

URGENT :boost_request: please help my trans friend survive under U.S. fascism.

25/$400 DUE IN 5 DAYS

Wren is a graphic designer that finally escaped the transphobic town they were trapped in thanks to your help. their housing voucher from their last place won't transfer this month because the local housing authority isn't accepting new requests, so they need urgent help covering rent! anything helps!

CashApp: $yungbbyHATE
BTC: bc1qp9tuq8te4ezzgj5z3zvwdun06500fk90suymtg

⭐ you can get handmade art, a short story collection or an email with file storage space for donating to them here:

@mutualaid @blackfedi #BlackMutualAid #BlackTransMutualAid #transMutualAid #TransCrowdFund #MutualAid #MutualAidRequest #queerMutualAid #QueerCrowdfund #LGBTQIA #LGBTQ #queer #trans #transgender #fascism #handmade #art #cats #catsOfMastodon

Jätkatud lõim

Die Kosten habe ich noch nicht alle zusammengetragen, wird sich aber auf ein paar Hundert Euro ansammeln. Gibt ja für alles eine Gebühr… Allein die ganzen Ausweise kosten schon ordentlich.

Durch unsere verschiedenen Wohnsitze in meinem Leben ergeben sich auch drei verschiedene Länder, in denen ich Dinge ändern muss. Das macht es auch nicht einfacher.

Am schnellsten/einfachsten in der Änderung war es hier in Estland. Jo eh 😂 #digitalisierung

Puh, diese Woche war ganz schön viel Bürokratie angesagt. Wer immer noch denkt, Namens- & Geschlechtseintragänderung macht eine Person „mal gerade eben nebenbei“ 🙄, hat sich die Konsequenzen noch nicht wirklich vor Augen geführt:

55 Stellen (Ämter, Verträge, Verknüpfungen etc.) muss ich ändern und es kommen sicherlich noch ein paar dazu, weil ich nicht an alles gedacht habe!

42 davon habe ich bereits erledigt in einem Zeitraum von rund 8 Monaten.


Hey everyone, i need help affording my basic necessities, im an impoverished trans girl who needs help affording basics necessities like phone bill, new glasses, food, etc.

I live in an abusive household with transphobic family who hates me and is abusive and neglectful towards me.

Please help me.

Any donations greatly appreciated.

current goals:

food: 75$/75$

prescription glasses: 0/250$

misc bills/expenses: 125$/150$

payment information:



cashapp referral (i make 5$):

monero address: 8576pqM8cmNW92eogjqnYzEewZbmwUbY61xRcGmbVCFphchaXKyAad1Xj9oNrYWQNqZkcm2kCHEzea4Y5Wd3DMUW4DozSV2

@mutualaid @disability @trans @vegan

I did the thing 🥹 I’m terrified, excited and feel like I’m going to vomit but…
I’ve opened my first ever online shop! It’s over on ko-fi and I’ve a goal already in mind!

As a #Canadian during this time, and as an artist, I figured now would be the time to sell my art. I have a few projects I’ve been working on, and am hoping my fellow Canadians will help me with my goals. There are 3 illustrations up for sale, and 2 added freebies as a plus! My goal is to raise enough funds to start selling my #elbowsup t-shirts!

If you ever wanted to support a small, #disabled #queer Canadian artist then nows your chance! With enough donations my hope is by the beginning of next week I’ll be able to start selling physical items. I’m really looking forward to giving you all my best artwork!

Man kann von Jens Spahn wirklich nicht allzu viel halten. Ich persönlich verachte diese Person zutiefst, aus sehr vielen Gründen. Als ich ihn vor ein paar Wochen in einer Talkrunde sah, hatte er recht, als er sagte, dass er die Überraschung über Trump nicht versteht.⬇️

#intersectionalfeminism #Inkluencer #disability #behinderung #trans #transrightsarehumanrights #queer #humanrights #lgbtqia #LAUTgegenRechts #wirsindmehr #antifa #noafd ##nonazis #demokratie

Hey everyone, i need help affording my basic necessities, im an impoverished trans girl who needs help affording basics necessities like phone bill, new glasses, food, etc.

I live in an abusive household with transphobic family who hates me and is abusive and neglectful towards me.

Please help me.

Any donations greatly appreciated.

current goals:

food: 75$/75$

prescription glasses: 0/250$

misc bills/expenses: 125$/150$

payment information:



cashapp referral (i make 5$):

monero address: 8576pqM8cmNW92eogjqnYzEewZbmwUbY61xRcGmbVCFphchaXKyAad1Xj9oNrYWQNqZkcm2kCHEzea4Y5Wd3DMUW4DozSV2

@mutualaid @disability @trans @vegan

⚠️ EXTREMELY URGENT!! octo is now in debt from not meeting the last 2 months goals. she's barely hanging onto life, she can't afford to eat & is battling suicidal ideation! please help!

$1316/~2441 DUE MARCH 31

octo is a trans, plural recent graduate making plans to move out of her abusive parents' house. she is struggling with severe anxiety & starvation from the #abuse & lack of funds.


⭐ you can get handmade art, a short story collection or an email with file storage space for donating to her here:

@mutualaid @blackfedi #mutualAid #MutualAidRequest #BlackTransMutualAid #transMutualAid #transCrowdfund #trans #queer #gameDev #student #Fundraiser #nonBinary #BlackMutualAid #transgender #gay #tarot #LGBTQIA #plural #actuallyAutistic #bills #LGBTQ #poverty #mentalHealth #handmade #pets #cats #catsOfMastodon #queerMutualAid #QueerCrowdfund

URGENT :boost_request: please help my trans friend survive under U.S. fascism.

25/$400 DUE IN 7 DAYS

Wren is a graphic designer that finally escaped the transphobic town they were trapped in thanks to your help. their housing voucher from their last place won't transfer this month because the local housing authority isn't accepting new requests, so they need urgent help covering rent! anything helps!

CashApp: $yungbbyHATE
BTC: bc1qp9tuq8te4ezzgj5z3zvwdun06500fk90suymtg

⭐ you can get handmade art, a short story collection or an email with file storage space for donating to them here:

@mutualaid @blackfedi #BlackMutualAid #BlackTransMutualAid #transMutualAid #TransCrowdFund #MutualAid #MutualAidRequest #queerMutualAid #QueerCrowdfund #LGBTQIA #LGBTQ #queer #trans #transgender #fascism #handmade #art #cats #catsOfMastodon

Hey everyone, i need help affording my basic necessities, im an impoverished trans girl who needs help affording basics necessities like phone bill, new glasses, food, etc.

I live in an abusive household with transphobic family who hates me and is abusive and neglectful towards me.

Please help me.

Any donations greatly appreciated.

current goals:

food: 75$/75$

prescription glasses: 0/250$

misc bills/expenses: 125$/150$

payment information:



cashapp referral (i make 5$):

monero address: 8576pqM8cmNW92eogjqnYzEewZbmwUbY61xRcGmbVCFphchaXKyAad1Xj9oNrYWQNqZkcm2kCHEzea4Y5Wd3DMUW4DozSV2

@mutualaid @disability @trans @vegan

Vastatud lõimes

@ndaktuell #Hass gegen #Queer, #LGTBIQ gibt es nicht nur in Österreich. Hass gegen alles, was nicht weiße Männer sind, nimmt weltweit zu. In den USA kursieren im Netz Video-clips mit Unterstützern (muss man nicht gendern, sind nur Männer!) von den Tate-Brüdern, die zu Gewalt gegen Frauen aufrufen, die den Männern nicht aufs Wort gehorchen.

Dropping this here, so things are not forgotten. About being lgbtq+ in STEM. The conclusions are good, and identified categories of issues well rounded.

"Key Findings:
1. Compartmentalising and Compromising: LGBT+ individuals often feel the need to mask or
hide their identities in STEM environments, leading to psychological stress..."

"2. Conflicting Values and Purpose: Many participants left STEM because their work did not align with their personal values..."

"3. LGBT in the Background: For some participants, their LGBT+ identity was not the primary
reason for leaving STEM...However, the LGBT+ climate often exacerbated these issues."

"4. Movement in STEM: Some participants moved within the broader STEM ecosystem rather than leaving STEM entirely. These moves were often motivated by the search for more inclusive and supportive environments."

"5. Career Stages of Departure: Most participants tended to leave STEM at a specific career
stage, particularly during graduate training or early career stages. This pattern highlights the
importance of targeted interventions at these critical points to improve retention."

"6. National Context Differences: The study found notable differences between the US and UK contexts. In the UK, issues such as immigration policies and public attitudes towards trans individuals influenced career decisions. In the US, state-by-state variations in LGBTQ+
protections and access to healthcare played a significant role."