Dropping this here, so things are not forgotten. About being lgbtq+ in STEM. The conclusions are good, and identified categories of issues well rounded.
"Key Findings:
1. Compartmentalising and Compromising: LGBT+ individuals often feel the need to mask or
hide their identities in STEM environments, leading to psychological stress..."
"2. Conflicting Values and Purpose: Many participants left STEM because their work did not align with their personal values..."
"3. LGBT in the Background: For some participants, their LGBT+ identity was not the primary
reason for leaving STEM...However, the LGBT+ climate often exacerbated these issues."
"4. Movement in STEM: Some participants moved within the broader STEM ecosystem rather than leaving STEM entirely. These moves were often motivated by the search for more inclusive and supportive environments."
"5. Career Stages of Departure: Most participants tended to leave STEM at a specific career
stage, particularly during graduate training or early career stages. This pattern highlights the
importance of targeted interventions at these critical points to improve retention."
"6. National Context Differences: The study found notable differences between the US and UK contexts. In the UK, issues such as immigration policies and public attitudes towards trans individuals influenced career decisions. In the US, state-by-state variations in LGBTQ+
protections and access to healthcare played a significant role."