on üks paljudest sõltumatutest Mastodoni serveritest, mida saab fediversumis osalemiseks kasutada. on mõeldud Eestis üldkasutatavaks Mastodoni serveriks. is meant to be a general use Mastodon server for Estonia.


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Colleague who taps maple trees for syrup told me it was so warm this weekend that the sap was cloudy instead of clear. Cloudy sap isn’t good for syrup and it usually appears at end of season when tree gets ready to send energy for budding. Might be a very short season for syrup.

Now that Tesla has dropped in value, the next center of Musk’s net worth is SpaceX, the highest value business unit is by far #Starlink.
Provincial and territorial governments of #Canada have been spending hundreds of millions on Starlink.
Good news is, flying below (above?) the news radar Telesat is a Canadian alternative that’s being built out with funding from the Federal and #Quebec government.

The #Framework Laptop 13 is a slightly unusual size and aspect ratio. So, instead of getting a case that "kind of" fits, I had one custom made from this great #Canadian artist from #Quebec on #Etsy who specializes in making things from kimono fabrics. This is my second one from them and the quality of both is excellent. If you are in the market for a new case, please give their shop a look:


G7-Außenminister in Quebec: Ein mühsam errungener Kompromiss

Der große Eklat blieb aus. In Kanada konnten sich die Außenminister der G7-Staaten auf gemeinsame Positionen einigen. Doch die Verhandlungen waren schwierig - vor allem beim Thema Ukraine. Von Martin Ganslmeier.

➡️ · G7-Außenminister in Quebec: Ein mühsam errungener KompromissMartin Ganslmeier poolt