OTSD - Ongoing Traumatic Stress Disorder
PTSD treatment in our culture assumes trauma is in the past. "Post" is doing a lot of denial here. There is no clear triage program for assessing CURRENT chronic stress and abuse factors.
In my experience, there is NO HEALING from PTSD when considering only the past. If your body is constantly flooded with stress hormones and ever in sympathetic nervous state from real, actual, existing pressures and traumas, it is impossible to heal, no matter how many therapy sessions, SSRIs, learning CBT thinking habits, EMDR, hospitalizations, or horse therapy. (Yes, I have done all these things. They were bandaids.)
OTSD is not all in your head. Your panic attacks are SOMETIMES just a trigger reaction to demons of the past. But more often, in my experience, they are REASONABLE reactions to current, actively ongoing trauma.
Removing these stressors isn't just personally very difficult. I recently made some very hard sacrifices to get myself into a much healthier situation. For many, it's impossible, no matter how many sacrifices they're willing to make.
Our society is getting increasingly hostile to emotional healthiness, reducing the options we have on a personal level to get ourselves out of abusive relationships, toxic workplaces, and economic stress.
I hardly blame therapists because it's not like THEY can individually fix systemic traumas.
But the therapeutic community needs to acknowledge the water they carry for what I call Abuse Culture. Unresolved corporate, religious, and systemic abuses are sucking all our energies like a giant emotional vampire above all of us.
The goal of helping professions has been just getting people back to productivity for the vampires, whatever it takes — meds, mindfulness, focus on childhood, endless coping mechanisms — no real fixes, just learning to cope rather than making the changes to our personal lives AND SOCIETY that are necessary for healthy minds.