on üks paljudest sõltumatutest Mastodoni serveritest, mida saab fediversumis osalemiseks kasutada. on mõeldud Eestis üldkasutatavaks Mastodoni serveriks. is meant to be a general use Mastodon server for Estonia.


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One of things I suffer on #FreeBSD using an #Iranian connection, is that all package mirrors are terribly slow.

Currently, as a workaround, I'm using #proxychains with the FreeBSD package manager. Unfortunately, setting a SOCKS5 #proxy through pkg.conf does not seem to work.

Using a proxy or a #VPN is not a big deal for a typical developer based in #Iran. But it's the first time I have to change IP(and route) to properly use an OS's first class package manager.

Maybe I could host a mirror for Iranians if FreeBSD stays as my main OS. Tho I don't see much point with only myself being the FreeBSD user in here.

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@torproject same with #obfs4 bridges: there is no option to say like ports=80,443 or similar, which makes it cumbersome to get said bridges.

And trying to get places to #DontBlockTor that criminalize the use of #Tor is foolish at best.

Vastatud lõimes

@tauon Also what goid is an encryption like @signalapp is you don't have #SelfCustody of all the keys?

  • Shure you could disable encryption but @monocles shows you when it's active and when not and comes with sensible defaults like having #OMEMO active per default...

I can setup over a dozen #TechIlliterates 1:1 with #XMPP accounts and #monoclesChat & @gajim / #gajim in the time it takes me to get a #nonKYC #eSIM from overseas with a phone number as mandated by @signalapp and maintaining that number for #Signal will easily cost like $2,50 p.m. at minimum.

  • Whereas a Data-only eSIM is way faster and cheaper to get and maintain.

In fact even legitimately acquiring and registering a #Prepaid #SIM in-store in #Germany takes longer than setting up #Fdroid & monocles chat & a XMPP account whilst on throttled #EDGEland speeds...

Possum City🌸 lily 🏳️‍⚧️ :flag_pansexual: :flag_ace: θΔ ⋐ & ∞ (@tauon) > centralised tbh i agree, i don't like that signal is centralised, but that isn't insecure, it's just an anti-feature > proprietary no it isn't, every element of signal is open source > subject to cloud act what is that? are you talking about subpoenaing of information? they legally have to do that anyway, and can't give anything except for the account creation date and the date that the account was last accessed > collects pii like phone numbers i'm pretty sure they don't signal is more secure than anything you've mentioned because on signal, encryption is not optional. any service where encryption is optional is not secure. RE: no, it is not because it is a #Centralized, #proprietary, #SingleVendor & #SingleProvider solution subject to #CloudAct that collects #PII like #PhoneNumbers, which makes it inherently less secure, as they are able and willing to restrict access as they please. RE: ...
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@bagder Problem with that is (besides occasional bugfixes), most people including myself would see #curl to be functionally complete and anything "nice to have" would be considered not worth the balooning in #complexity and #size.

  • I mean, does curl need to be able to do #BitTorrent (magnet:), #IPFS (ipfs://) or god forbid #blockchain (i.e. #EVM) support?

  • Do you really want to integrate @torproject / #Tor support natively into curl when using #HTTP (localhost:8118) and #SOCKS5 (localhost:9050) #proxy allows for the same and doesn't necessitate having to handle and ingest Tor arguments as well??

In fact if #toybox didn't have a #wget implementation that I could use for OS/1337 I would've merely chosen tiny-curl -o as a global alias or if #tinycurl wasn't an option, curl -o instead.

  • Maybe someone who wants to have said functionality like tor support built-in will go and IDK make i.e. #neocurl or sth. along those lines or build something like #ethcurl or #torcurlor #ipfscurl or whatever...

That being said I am glad curl isn't solely maintained by you but has other contributors (give them a shoutout!) but I also am glad you maintain that vital software that most "#TechIlliterate #Normies" most likely never heard of but propably use on a daily basis as part of all the #tech they use to #consume media with...

  • I consider curl to be "the #vim of downloaders" (tho that's kinda insulting and limiting since curl is more than just a downloader and more intuitive than vim) with wget being "the #vi of downloaders" (tho wget is even simpler to use than vi)...

Either way, curl is awesome...



A modern competitor to #OperaMini with:


OFC since #Opera #Mini needs a trustworthy proxy backend any "#clone" would need an #OpenSource'd & #SelfHosting-capable #backend (similar to @ActionRetro 's #FrogFind .com as it breaks #E2EE.

Needless to say it would be a godsent for anyone stuck on #EDGEland and slower speeds (i.e. #SATCOM like #Iridium)...

  • Sadly building a #browser is thousandsfold harder than building a Linux #distro...
en.wikipedia.orgOpera Mini - Wikipedia

For the love of god if you're trying to convince your employer or an organization to "come over" to the #Fediverse, do NOT under any circumstances suggest that they set up a #Mastodon #instance!

Mastodon is the ONLY Fediverse platform that ...
by default ... forces #server #admins to #cache, #copy, and #proxy all #media that passes through its server. This means that not only are server admins paying to host the media their users #upload, but they have to pay to host the media everyone else on the fucking fediverse uploads as well.

Other platforms offer this feature, but
Mastodon is the only one that has this turned on by default.

This results in Mastodon server admins having to shell out thousands of dollars each month in
#S3 hosting costs for no reason whatsoever.

There are much better alternative instance platforms than Mastodon.