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Bought this lineman's (guys that climb poles) phone for five bucks at the Habitat for Humanity store. No idea what to do with it (I haven't had a landline for a decade) but the 70s-80s sci-fi aesthetic is wonderful. I can just imagine picking it up and hearing Han Solo's death star intercom conversation coming out. Uh, we had a slight weapons malfunction, but uh... everything's perfectly all right now. We're fine. We're all fine here now, thank you. How are you?
#starwars #scifi #props

I don't remember which of you film nerds recommended this but I thank you 🙏what a wonderful example of movie ephemera still living on - I can't even really explain why I love that, but I do 💛 Always wanted to visit Elstree, of course; it's film history - now I know that if I ever do, building 5 has to be part of the tour, whether allowed or not 😁

- and yes, that's Michael Sheen's voice you're hearing 🥰 #movies #props #locations #TheShining #StanleyKubrick

I can't begin to imagine how cool it must have been, going through Stuart Freeborn's workshop-filled house for months...! 🤯🤩

For the uninitated, Freeborn is the guy who made Yoda, Chewbacca & the 2001 hominids (one of which I saw up close when the Kubrick exhibit visited Copenhagen 🥰). He was the grandpappy of special effects makeup & a groundbreaking puppet maker whose work influences movie making to this day. #movies #props #Propstore #AdamSavage #Tested

I love seeing all the processes & sets & design & stuff, obviously - but oddly, this still doesn't make me very curious to watch SILO... seems like people like it, but as a lifetime #scifi fan, the "evil computer secretly controls closed society" genre REALLY has a hard sell on its hands to convince me there's an original, compelling story there 😝 #sfx #SetDesign #props #movies #Tested #AdamSavage

I think I would be at least as giddy as #AdamSavage meeting this super-duper-iconic #SFX prop 🥰🤯🦾

I'm not one of those "Waaah, CGI is killing movies" types but there is one decidedly bad thing it does do: It robs us of future moments like these. Nobody can collect the artifacts from the movies they love if they only ever existed as 3D models - which also means an ongoing loss of institutional knowledge...
#movies #props #propstore #Terminator #engineering #maker

Some truly amazing props here: McReady's stupid hat from "The Thing" & Sark's helmet/headdress from "Tron" 🤯

And yes, 1982 was a bumper year, giving us movies like 48 Hours, First Blood, The Dark Crystal, Wrath of Khan, Blade Runner, E.T. and Conan, just to name a few 💛 #AdamSavage #Tested #movies #props #SFX