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⬆️ @GreenFire

>> thread from Sen. #Whitehouse related to the continuing budget resolution and voting rational is worth making exception for…

I read it but could not find your comment if you posted any.

What I found is that the VAST majority responded negatively to whitewashing #Schumer's inaction, while Schumer himself shrugged reporters with "I don't know" [all the facts] and [don't worry about #primaries] "That's a long time away" ➡️

Rearranging #DeckChairsOnTitanic 🙄

#American #Americans #America #USA:

it's time to remake the #democrats #democraticparty

third party will just divide the left and hand MAGA more wins

think of the party as an empty vessel

fill it with 50 #AOC #AlexandriaOcasioCortez s

we look now to the #midterms #primaries #midterms2026
#primaries2026 #2026midterms

we reject the milquetoast centrists

we reject the political machines

we fundraise and organize online

and we hew to principles we already know well:…
@adamconover Makes very strong cases for why we lost. The #Dems ignored the fact that the working people were suffering and didn't blame the people who were causing the suffering, the #billionaires , because they were disconnected and it would piss off their rich donors. So #Trump told them they were suffering and it was the immigrants who were making them suffer. Next time we have to tell that story.
#Workingfamiliesparty is the most responsible of the third parties. They support people in #primaries and run where ever they aren't going to split the vote. I actually got to vote for 2 WFP members last year for at-large city counsel, and got to vote one in in the general. I didn't see a single green or #democraticSocialist run where they could have.
I feel WFP is the best option we have to retake the nation next time, using the big tent when they need to, but then being a smaller tent when they don't have to. If the other 3rd parties could do this and make pushing for #rankedchoicevoting we wouldn't need this strategy, but somehow #Elon convinced enough idiots that 3rd parties sucked and voted against RCV In 4 states this year that could have said goodbye the the two party system for good, and Alaska may lose it too. I don't want to hear a single person who didn't vote voted against RCV to ever bitch about the 2 party system again. You had your chance and you shot yourself in the foot.

@Jackiemauro @MikeF @CptSuperlative @Huntn00

the #left has to fucking *mob* #primaries2026. get 50 #AOC s in there

#centrist #democrats as super powerful is a lie

they are weak milquetoast

the dem party is just an empty vessel, fill it with what you want

(and because of #duvergerslaw in our shitty #fptp voting system #thirdparty is a dead end until we get #rcv)

anyone who does not show up to #vote in the #primaries #primary: shut the fuck up. you have no idea how to get effective change

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Daniel Levy: "As the movement for Palestinian rights has built up one kind of popular power, pro-Israel forces have doubled down on financial power. The Democratic Party could have said they will not allow independent expenditure campaigns, because they are a travesty and a disgrace to democracy, but they didn’t — and so they have enabled those pro-Israel forces."

+972 Magazine · ‘This is also America’s war’: Why the U.S. isn’t stopping the Gaza onslaughtIsraelis and Palestinians are making a terrible mistake by looking exclusively to Washington to solve their problems, says Daniel Levy.
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"Despite broad popular support for legislation to curtail police violence, Congress got nothing done. Democrats, despite controlling both the House and Senate in 2021 and 2022, slow-walked the George Floyd Justice in Policing Act, insisting on bipartisan support that never materialized."

"Both #BLM activists voted into Congress have been pushed out."

"Bowman and Bush have been routed out of Congress, thanks to a historic deluge of big-money spending against them. They battled challengers in the most and third-most-expensive congressional primaries in American history, respectively, and each was outspent roughly 4–1."

Slate · The George Floyd Era Is Over in CongressAlexander Sammon poolt
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But what you are ending up is only a single political view - the "DNC Mainstream!"

When I vote in German elections, I have a choice between:

- A Green Party
- A Libertarian Party
- A Social Democratic Party
- A Socialist Party
- A Conservative Party

All five have meaningful policy differences, yet all five are firmly committed to the basic democratic principles of the country. And while I have serious policy disagreements with some of them, I can admit that yes, they have valid political views that represent a good chunk of the electorate - and if they become part of a government, their political view _matter_.

And I stand my by firm conviction that this is _far_ superior than the American Primaries system where you seemingly only ever end up with what the party leadership considers "mainstream" and "electable" enough.