Some things can't get broken. Yesterday, I discovered that the good old #Postcrossing still exists
Real paper postcards from all over the world that you swap. The full deceleration. In case your grandma hasn't told you about it yet and you look for something #connecting in this world. You can subscribe to the hashtag to find kindred spirits.
Ich brauche für unser #Radwegekonzept eine #Luftaufnahme von einer viel befahrenen Kreuzung möglichst ohne Autos um drin rum malen zu können. Da es sehr schwer ist einen Zeitpunkt Tagsüber zu finden zu dem auf der Kreuzung keine Autos sind, habe ich ein Programm gebaut, dass auf mehreren Aufnahmen der gleichen Perspektive ein Bild OHNE bewegliche Objekte (Autos) macht.
Den Code habe ich hier veröffentlicht:
For those of you who were/are following me on Pixelfed, I'd like to ask you nicely to please follow me over on Vernissage if at all possible.
I decided to leave Pixelfed several weeks ago and am now posting on Vernissage for the foreseeable future.
You can follow me via this link via your web browser:
Or you can even follow the associated Mastodon account here:
Hey friends.
If you who were/are following me on Pixelfed, I'd kindly ask you to please follow me over on Vernissage if at all possible.
I decided to leave Pixelfed several weeks ago and am now posting on Vernissage.
You can follow me via this link:
Or you can even follow the associated Mastodon account here:
Artist #CosimoCheoneCaiffa transforms #buildings into living #art by painting #3DMurals (15 pics) | #SaumyaRatan #artist #murals #creations #StreetArt #painting #LivingArt #CaptivatingArtworks #pictures