Great shearwater off Newfoundland a few years ago. Hopefully, this one still returns each summer.
Great shearwater off Newfoundland a few years ago. Hopefully, this one still returns each summer.
My #Robin friend Little Mate taking his morning snack today in #Bath #Somerset #UK.
#Bird #Birds #Birdwatching #Birding #UKBirding #Ornithology #Nature #Wildlife #UKWildlife #BirdsOfFediverse #BirdsOfMastodon #NatureCommunity
Gulls stealing our food. Haven't we all been through this?
The good news is, there’s a solution: just invite them for a staring contest.
Read more in my latest post for Beaks & Bones:
#Science is fun!
Brewers Blackbird or Grackle?
In 1940, Whooping cranes were almost extinct — until Canadian ornithologist George Archibald learned to dance with them
Black Guillemot near Spillars Cove, #Newfoundland. This was a hanging over the cliff shot!
Hummingbird Fanning Its Tail by Debra Martz
I watched this Buff-bellied Hummingbird fly quickly in and out of the trees at Estero LLano Grande State Park in Weslaco, TX. Finally, it landed and gave me a variety of poses before it flew away again. I especially liked it when it fanned its tail.
Hummingbird in Winter Tree Limbs by Debra Martz
Buff-bellied Hummingbird at Estero LLano Grande State Park in Weslaco, TX
Kingbird and Warbler Surprise by Debra Martz
I had been focused on and watching this Couch's Kingbird fly out for an insect and return repeatedly, so I was quite surprised when this Orange-crowned Warbler flew in, too!
Hoopoes are beautiful birds — that can smell of rotten meat.
They do so for a good reason, though, which I reveal in my new post for Beaks & Bones!
Turkey season nears, planting becomes more popular as spring looms | Sports #Angling #animals #birds #euornitheans #fish #FishAndHumans #FishHook #FisheriesScience #Fishing #FishingBait #FishingLure #FishingRod #FishingTechniquesAndMethods #ornithology #OutdoorRecreation #trout #Turkey #VertebrateZoology #Zoology
This is a really great reply to the stories and papers recently that bird feeding is contributing to the decline of woodland birds; suggests woodland fragmentation and management and the provision of nest boxes, not feeding, is to blame. Well worth a read
The author is on BSky
#GardenBirds #Ornithology
Alarming Report Finds US Bird Populations Are Still Crashing
"About one-third of all American bird species are of high or moderate conservation concern due to low populations, declining population trends, or other threats."
#ornithology #birds #birding #StateOfTheBirds #endangered #conservation #ClimateCrisis #SciComm
Alarming Report Finds US Bird Populations Are Still Crashing
"About one-third of all American bird species are of high or moderate conservation concern due to low populations, declining population trends, or other threats."
#ornithology #birds #birding #StateOfTheBirds #endangered #conservation #ClimateCrisis #SciComm
Perched Dark Eyed Junco in Winter by Debra Martz
Captured this image in February at the Great Salt Plains State Park in Oklahoma. These migratory birds will be heading north to their breeding grounds in a month or so.
Pet Flea Treatments Are Poisoning Wild Birds: Study out of University of Sussex, published by Science of the Total Environment
#ornithology #birds #Pets #FleaTreatments #Ecology #toxicology #pesticides #SciComm
Pet Flea Treatments Are Poisoning Wild Birds: Study out of University of Sussex, published by Science of the Total Environment
#ornithology #birds #Pets #FleaTreatments #Ecology #toxicology #pesticides #SciComm
Barn Owl this morning at Haycombe, near #Bath #Somerset #UK.
#Bird #Birds #Birdwatching #Birding #UKBirding #Ornithology #Nature #Wildlife #UKWildlife #Owl #BirdPhotography #NaturePhotography #WildlifePhotography #BirdsOfFediverse #BirdsOfMastodon #NatureCommunity