Are there good recommendations how to use #orgmode to work together with multiple people?
Our Team uses git, nextcloud and overleaf (but not a lot of org so far).
Are there good recommendations how to use #orgmode to work together with multiple people?
Our Team uses git, nextcloud and overleaf (but not a lot of org so far).
#Emacs #Orgmode: does anybody know of an interactive function that asks for a file name and then provides an interactive drill-down search (helm?) for a heading.
When confirmed, it inserts an org-link like [[id:the-id-property][the heading title]]
I was using helm-org-contacts which is now unmaintained and ChatGPT was not able to deliver such a function at all.
I've created a new Emacs package that makes it easy to add RSS feeds to Org publish projects. Works like the :auto-sitemap options
@Phoebe Ich schreibe inzwischen fast alles mit #Emacs #orgmode, das ist aber eher weniger für Design, sondern eher, damit die Werke gut inkrementell entwickelt werden können und sauber aussehen, weil sie über LaTeX exportieren:
Für kürzere Werke und eher Design-Lastige Inhalte nutze ich Scribus:
My dear emacs and orgmode users, do you know any good static site generator based on org files and support translations?
I would be glad to hear your recommendations.
Thank you!
#emacs #orgmode #org-mode #staticsitegenerator
@publicvoit so, uhm, seems you convinced me to look deeper into #OrgMode, and while talking about what I read so far I apparently convinced a friend to switch to it
I'm reading your article and I wonder, how do you solve notifications from things happening on multiple systems?
A couple of weeks ago, I went down the #emacs rabbit hole, for #orgmode mainly. After a lot of scattered reading, I think I am in for a very long ride. I'm now trying to figure out how to integrate it at work (where I expect the biggest ROI) and on my day-to-day life.
I don't think I'll leave #neovim just yet for my code writting tasks, but maybe someday (given evil-mode exists).
This links have proven very useful:
#GNU #Emacs 30.1 has been released \o/
Native compilation is now enabled by default.
Emacs 30.1 comes with #OrgMode v9.7.
Check the summary of changes here:
For more about GNU Emacs:
I watched a humourous video a while ago about Emacs. The Emacs expert being interviewed explains that he used to spend hours with #LaTeX, trying to get figures where wanted them; now he uses #OrgMode. "So figures go where you want now?" "No, I've accepted that it's impossible."
I've spent the last hour and a half using LaTeX to produce a business card sized document to carry in my wallet. Spacing between paragraphs! Spacing between list items! Bilingual! Footer with the date!
Just moved to Fosstodon! #introduction
Dad and husband in #Pennsylvania. I teach #biochemistry, #molecularbiology, and #microbiology (and #humanities) in #highered.
Daily #Emacs user since the late 80s, #GNU #Linux on and off since the 90s. Strictly #FreeSoftware since 2010s. #Debian, #GrapheneOS, #OrgMode and #Emacs for teaching and research.
#Japanese #日本語, #francais, y #espanol roto. #DnD and #books. Love #camping #hiking #walking #cycling #coding #elisp
Como sé que muchos lo estabais esperando (la verdad es que sé que nadie lo esperaba ) os dejo por aquí la segunda parte sobre EMACS + PROGRAMACIÓN LITERARIA. English version soon. gemini:// y versión web: #emacs #literateprogramming #babel #orgmode @sacha @hispaemacs
I have tasks for a project spread across the #Org file and use tags to identify them.
What are the most useful ways to display all items in #Org using a specific tag?
I am aware of:
1. Sparse tree (org-sparse-tree)
2. Org Agenda with Match a TAGS/Prop/TODO query
2. org-tags-view (which I believe is just a function of Org Agenda).
What am I missing?
Revolutionizing Task Management: The Latest Enhancements in Org-Supertag 2.0.0
The recent update of Org-Supertag to version 2.0.0 introduces groundbreaking features that enhance task scheduling and deadline management. With new capabilities such as cron-style scheduling and dyna...
I've been putting off synchronization of my Google calendar with Emacs agenda for years now, because I thought it will be really annoying to configure. Turns out I was wrong, and it is pretty easy thanks to khal.el
How Interval Repeaters Work in Emacs Org Mode
Daniel Liden’s article exemplifies in a very succinct & clear way how the different repeaters behave in #Emacs #OrgMode.
My gamechanger this year: finally fixing the nvim-orgmode plugin, and properly reading up on what Org mode can do for you... it's been mind-blowing, and integrates perfectly with Orgzly on my phone.