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TL;DR: if you wanna be a better person practice to wait a second every time you feel angry/scared/"other strong emotion" before you act. Just one second! Then think "what do I wanna do now?" and you will be able to think of better options. Better than the option you would have chosen if you didn't wait that second.

BOOM! Congrats, you're a better person than a second ago.


Usually it's some form of worthiness wound that pushes us to self-defense. Something we learned in our pasts that still lingers and makes us think "I am unworthy/unlovable/broken". We don't *want* to believe it but what if they're right?

When we are hit by words that feed into that belief, that insecurity, then we must push that possibility away. We are not like that! We cannot be!


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@jon love Vivaldi. I would like to work with Vivaldi. I am a Psychologist MD and Holistic doctor, I would love to be their ear, trusted confidant and friend. Are they hiring? I offer online, private sessions at their preferred video platform. I use Proton Mail, no choice, my clients come first, privacy. I prefer holistic medine over modern, can't prescribe out of the United states of America, need to get licensed in Europe, I am a resident of the EU. #nevergoingback to the #dividedstatesofamerica #loveGermany and & #lovenetherlands #openminded #alwayslearning #godblessatheisttoo