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the pridefully #ignorant ones will endlessly blame shift away from their own #entitled #privileged indolence

the question is do they outnumber the ones who can have their eyes opened via the suffering they bring onto us by not #voting/ voting for #bigoted #plutocrat #malice

some have the bare minimum of heart to go "i was wrong"

if they are not enough? too late?

then we are truly fucked

#maga #voters, #nonvoters: i absolutely despise you

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when i castigate #nonvoters i hear:

"you're turning them off"

fuck that

if someone lacks the capacity to see the stakes, that's on them

it's not our job to soothe and trick them with emotional appeal. that's #MAGA tactics

what's happening now is they are learning consequences

the hard way

*even then* they will shift blame. never taking ownership of their #alienation

the problem is them

not how insensitive we are to their fucking precious feelings

#vote #midterms2026 you fucks

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@ohmu @Kierkegaanks

some #nonvoters are #rightWing turds too

we see the #toxicIdealism on the #left, the "it's not perfect so i won't #vote" because we're on #mastodon and in other social silos on the left, which amplifies our impression

still, it's a lot of people like that, enough to make a difference

which is why some of these toxic idealism voices we see are just #geopolitical #trollFarm #psyop, cosplaying their fake #leftWing bonafides and working hard to suppress the vote on the left

@SrRochardBunson @EyeOnAlaska

This is #Alaska, for crying out loud. It's also 40ºF and raining here in #Anchorage

#hotlanta accurate name

Speaking of #springtime it's here early in #Osaka #Japan too 10 to 12C in the sun (50-53F) but every #Japanese you ask will snap back, it gets cold again in February..... but I don't think so this year

Strange, #Anchorage is R and #Juneau is D

But then there are the many #nonvoters NOT COUNTED

#USpolitics #NonVoters

"The biggest political party isn't Republicans or Democrats — it's the party of non-voters."
by RBReich

Quote by RBR:
"Nov 30, 2024
Close to 90 million people did not even vote in this election. Let's discuss why."

#WorkersUnite #UnionStrong