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There was a "Super Sidekicks 3" (SNK, 1995) cabinet at the arcade near my school. I remember watching schoolmates play, but it never got a single coin from me.

Even now, I can't tell you if the game's any good. I suck at it. I have no idea what I'm doing. Others appeared to love it though. 🐶

It would maybe help if I was even a little bit into football...

This was one of a few Neo Geo games that bragged about being over 100 megabits in size. 🐡

Voltage Fighter Gowcaizer, another cart in my #NeoGeoMVS collection. The game is based off the anime which is your typical 90s violence + fan service spectacle. Great graphics, sounds and music and the game difficulty sits about right with me. I only wish character animations had a few more frames as that'd really make this game pop. Still, as is it's pretty freaking fun to pull out and have a go at over a lazy weekend🕹️ .
#retrogames #videogames #neogeo

Blazing Star is such a gorgeously crafted shooter👾 . I love the whole opening sequence and the music and sound effects in game are on point too. It always grabbed my attention at the arcades because of that. The first level lulls you into this false sense of security, making you think "Huh, this game's kind of a pushover." Then, when the second level starts it begins to slap hard💥 .

My main #NeoGeo system. Looks like the original AES home system, but this is an MVS arcade cabinet that's been refabricated into a console. So instead of AES carts it uses ones from the MVS cabinet - important, as they are much less expensive to obtain now😂 . I also got the venerable "161 in 1" gaming ROM. I plan to collect original carts over time, but it's nice to have a selection to play right now. 🕹️ #retrogaming

Hey everyone. This is my #introduction post.

I'm a middle-aged guy on a quest to relive (and even experience for the first time) some #retrogaming gems of decades past.

ATM I'm collecting and gaming for the #NeoGeo MVS and #SegaSaturn systems, but I'll add other systems on my journey.

I do plan on streaming eventually, but right now I'm still working on getting a gaming space put together.

If you're interested in some pics and commentary on the games I collect, please follow! 👾