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The last time I bought something form guitar center’s website they gave me a delivery date, told me the package was out for delivery, and then didn’t deliver it. They did this two or three days in a row. When it finally arrived they had failed to pack the power cable and when I complained they asked why I needed it… it was a guitar amplifier… was I supposed to use it without power?

I had forgotten about all of that when, this weekend, I ordered a pedal from guitar center’s website. Today is the delivery day. It has been showing as out for delivery since 9:36am. The estimated delivery time says it should arrive between 11:30am and 2:30pm. It is now 2:47 and it has not been delivered yet.

Yeah, I should have known better. I’m never getting that (relatively) cheap little digital reverb pedal, am I. I’m an idiot. Just call me sucker.

Breaking News ~ The US Adopts Australia's #Coalition #LNP Clean Coal Technology.

Two days after Director Lee Zeldin announced he was gutting the EPA, Trump announced we are going to fire up “clean coal” plants:

“After years of being held captive by Environmental Extremists, Lunatics, Radicals, and Thugs, allowing other Countries, in particular China, to gain tremendous Economic advantage over us by opening up hundreds of all Coal Fire Power Plants, I am authorizing my Administration to immediately begin producing Energy with BEAUTIFUL, CLEAN COAL.”

Dear #Ukraine, I am very very sorry we elected as our president Viktor Yanukovych, but meaner, stupider, and with an even bigger inferiority complex. Please forgive us. We are in the middle of a coup and are working hard to put him where he belongs, silent and in jail. Meanwhile, continue being the heros you are.



Trump Paralyzes the U.S. Wind Power Industry — The president, who despises wind turbines, has paused federal permits and leasing for such projects, putting company plans in limbo

And again, Trump hands another industry to the Chinese to dominate!!!! China! China! China!

Solar, EV and wind will be dominated by the Chinese feeding this technology to the rest of the world!

So much winning!!!!!

#trump #Moron #BigOil #Wind #Solar #EV

Vastatud lõimes

After the way they botched #Covid, and now with #BirdFlu crossing from animals to humans, you'd THINK this #moron administration would be hyper-alert about not wanting a repeat of their disastrous mishandling of a #pandemic that killed 405K in just 11 months under #DonnieDumbass.

Instead, after parting ways with the #WHO last month, now they fire 1000 people from the #CDC (at the same time there's a #measles outbreak among #antivax imbeciles in #Texas.) #JFC #DisasterPresidency