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"In two months, the nation under Trump’s leadership has alienated, threatened, and is now in a trade war with Canada and Mexico. We are estranged from our nearest neighbors and economic allies.

In two months, our nation has alienated and isolated itself from other nations in the North America Treaty Organization (NATO). Our nation has withdrawn its military and intelligence support to Ukraine."

~ Wendell Griffen

#Musk #Trump #NATO #Mexico #Canada #Ukraine

Wendell Griffen on Faith, Hope, Justice, Love, and Peace · FROM BAD TO WORSE OR ELSEWendell Griffen poolt
Jätkatud lõim

Through his first 2 months in office, #Trump has raised tariffs on ~$800B in imports from #China, #Mexico & #Canada…. These #tariffs have sent the stock market careening & raised the risks of a #US #recession, while inviting retaliation against domestic industries by #trade partners.
Despite the blowback, snr Trump advisers are now publicly pledging to create a new tariff regime that would impose new duties on trade w/most countries that trade w/the US.
#economy #Trumpcession #geopolitics #USpol

White House aides prep new #tariffs on imports worth trillions for April 2, laying the groundwork for an escalation in global economic hostilities that #Trump has called “Liberation Day.”

The admin has already unnerved investors with duties on #Canada, #Mexico & #China, & yet, advisers are readying a move to dwarf all previous tariffs.

#economy #finance #Trumpcession #geopolitics #USpol #idiocracy #kakistocracy

The Washington Post · Trump aides prep new tariffs on imports worth trillions for ‘Liberation Day’Jeff Stein poolt

Dust storm and many wind driven fires in the southwest US. Same song, 22nd verse.

One fire is about a half hour drive from me:

"Emergency personnel were juggling road closures due to dust storms and high winds—San Augustin Pass, just east of Las Cruces, reported a gust at 93 mph.

US Highway 54 was briefly closed from the southern Otero County line near El Paso to the northern Otero County and Lincoln County lines due to high winds, blowing dust and vehicle wrecks. Crews could be heard over the radio leaving an accident on Highway 54 to head towards the Mayhill-adjacent fire.

The Otero County Electric Cooperative (OCEC) reported dozens of outages affecting thousands of customers from Timberon to Carrizozo. Line crews are working on restoring power to the affected areas."

If this rumour is true, then there it is, folks: declaring #fentanyl a #WMD leads to more emergency powers, and provides the pretext for attacking #Mexico and #Canada — Canada, who receives a far greater influx of fentanyl coming in from the States, than going out.

A copy of the draft was obtained and reviewed by The Handbasket.
The HandbasketTrump to declare “illicit” fentanyl “Weapon of Mass Destruction," per draft EOA copy of the draft was obtained and reviewed by The Handbasket.

Markets: According to Bank of America: "biggest drop in US equity allocation ever."

> A new survey from Bank of America shows that global fund managers are moving out of domestic companies in what analysts at the financial giant describe as the "biggest drop in U.S. equity allocation ever." The reason: growing pessimism about the country's economic outlook as the Trump administration beats the drum for a #tradewar with #Canada, #Mexico, #China and other countries #stocks

CBS News · Investors are fleeing U.S. stocks as tariff risks loomAlain Sherter poolt

→ Join seabirds as they #migrate, encountering #human communities along the way

“In the town of San Quintín, #Mexico, the #seabirds’ late-fall arrival is greeted by a joyful festival. In the early spring, researchers working on the coast of the #US state of Washington engage in a tagging initiative to track their movements. And in Hooper Bay, #Alaska, […] a Yup’ik community gathers #eggs in an annual harvest that’s endured for centuries […]”

AeonJoin seabirds as they migrate, encountering human communities along the way | Aeon VideosHow three communities on North America’s west coast find meaning by interacting with the flight paths of migratory seabirds

Today in Labor History March 18, 1918: U.S. authorities arrested Mexican anarchist Ricardo Flores Magón under the Espionage Act. They charged him with hindering the American war effort and imprisoned him at Leavenworth, where he died under highly suspicious circumstances. The authorities claimed he died of a "heart attack," but Chicano inmates rioted after his death and killed the prison guard who they believed executed him. Magon published the periodical “Regeneracion” with his brother Jesus, and with Licenciado Antonio Horcasitas. The Magonostas later led a revolution in Baja California during the Mexican Revolution. Many American members of the IWW participated. During the uprising, they conquered and held Tijuana for several days. Lowell Blaisdell writes about it in his now hard to find book, “The Desert Revolution,” (1962). Dos Passos references in his “USA Trilogy.”

#literary #historicalfiction #workingclass #LaborHistory #RicardoFloresMagon #magon #magonistas #mexico #mexican #Revolution #chicano #prison #Riot #books #author #writer @bookstadon