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I mean, this is funny.. but also I spent my therapy session last week talking about how I think WW3 has already started.. so...

Also finding a psychologist who deals with me as an Aboriginal person living under settler colonialism has been ground breaking for my mental health. Definitely recommend.


RFK Jr. Is Already Taking Aim at Antidepressants

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr has been planted by Trump in the role of Secretary of the US Department of Health and Human Services.

He wants to slash scientifically-established medication, hospital treatment, financial benefits, and government programs for people with these conditions:
- Chronic illness.
- Autism.
- ADHD, and medication including Adderall and Ritalin.
- Asthma.
- Obesity.
- Multiple sclerosis.
- Psoriasis.
- Mental illness such as depression and anxiety, and SSRI medication including Prozac and Zoloft.

RFK Jr says wants people who live with chronic illness such as those listed above — who often require daily preventative medication, a professional carer/assistant, or an assistive device for their daily functioning and to maintain their quality of life and sense of dignity and autonomy — to be stripped of their treatment and put into in "Wellness Farms" for "three or four years if they need it".

This is the sort of inhumane mistreatment of people requiring medical care that happened in the USSR and still goes on today in North Korea. It should not happen in the USA.

This move by RFK Jr is going to destroy childhoods, ruin families, cause people financial ruin, and for some people it will cost them their life.

Mother JonesRFK Jr. is already taking aim at antidepressantsThe new HHS secretary has made baseless claims that the drugs are addictive and cause violent behavior.

:boost_request: hii can you please help me make sure my trans friends make it another month? i'm afraid their rent etc are already OVERDUE and they shouldn't need to worry about late fees on top of struggling with abuse or making sure they can eat... i've attached pics of the cats they love and care for. boosting is just as helpful as giving!

you can get handmade art for donating to them here:

octo (570/1005):

dexi (195/300):

@mutualaid @blackfedi #mutualAid #MutualAidRequest #BlackTransMutualAid #transMutualAid #transCrowdfund #trans #queer #disabled #disability #crowdfund #Fundraiser #nonBinary #agender #BlackMutualAid #transgender #gay #LGBTQIA #plural #actuallyAutistic #abuse #bills #LGBTQ #poverty #mentalHealth #handmade #art #MentalIllness #DisabilityCrowdfund #disabilityMutualAid #queerMutualAid #QueerCrowdfund #rent