is an inclusive non-toxic Glitch Mastodon server for anyone interested in Japanese anime, manga, games, media etc. The server is highly moderated to provide a safe environment.
Members of this server can post with a 3000 character limit.
You can find out more about the server at or contact the admin @sakurajima
#QuestionOfTheNight if you could own one fictional vehicle that could fit in a 2 car garage, what would it be? assume that powering it is somehow not a problem, and there's no issues with legality
images from 'Saint Seiya: Warriors of the Final Holy Battle' (1989)
Note the contour lines, ie the "inking". In comics and 2d animation these are extremely important for the vibe of the characters and the story. Hergé for ex is famous for "ligne clair"; contouring with a clear line that is almost completely even - giving the comic a slight storybook feel. In manga and anime* the inking is often even thinner. The result is a bit stiff, but very effective.
(*see toot below)
Follow-up #QuestionOfTheDay from yesterday: what is an interesting/creative adaptation of something you like/care about? (any adaptation from one medium to another counts, so it can be video game to anime, comic to movie, movie to video game, board games, books, myths, poems, theatre, etc, anything counts as long as it went from one medium to another)
It doesn't have to be good or bad or even accurate, just creative or interesting in a way you want to talk about!
bonus points for explaining why it's interesting to you or why you think it's creative
I went to a bookstore today and found a manga i really want to read. The price on the back was in both USD and CAD. Fine, but I only have Sterling.
So I went to the desk and asked them for the price in local currency.
"Oh, that's £48."
"But it's only $47 American. (£37)"
"Well, what can I say?"
I dipped.