Elegant Basket on Chicken Feet – STL File for 3D Printing!
• STL files
Download 3D print model: https://cults3d.com/:2819711
Designed by @kjstlfactory@mastodon.social
@cults3d #3DPrinting #3DPrinter #Printable #STLfile #resinprinting #opensource #etsy #etsyshop #mastodon #mastodonart #mastodonband #maker #makers #social #socialmedia
Elegant Basket on Chicken Feet – STL File for 3D Printing!
• STL files
Download 3D print model: https://cults3d.com/:2819711
Designed by @kjstlfactory
@cults3d #3DPrinting #3DPrinter #Printable #STLfile #resinprinting #opensource #etsy #etsyshop #mastodon #mastodonart #mastodonband #maker #makers #social #socialmedia
Elegant Ballet Shoe Organizer – STL File for 3D Printing • STL files
Download 3D print model: https://cults3d.com/:2745090
Designed by @kjstlfactory
@cults3d #3DPrinting #3DPrinter #STLfile #resin #anycubic #pinterest #OpenSource #etsy #etsyshop #mastodon #mastodonart #mastodonband #maker #makers #social #socialmedia
My Remarkable Tablet Wedge is complete, and I couldn't be prouder. The way everything feels and fits together is chef's kiss perfect.
I've put together a blog post going over everything that went into creating this "simple" object, and what it represents to me as a Maker.
The only questions remaining are:
Should I sell this as a physical object? As a 3D model with assembly instructions? If so, what is either worth?
One of my first crochet creations, an infinity scarf, ideal for cold evenings and fashionable trips
Available on my website
Elegant Ballet Shoe Organizer & Headphone Stand - 3D Model • STL files
Download 3D print model: https://cults3d.com/:2745090
Designed by kjstlfactory
@cults3d #3DPrinting #3DPrinter #Printable #STL #3DPrint #3DPrintingCommunity #3DPrinted #3DModel #3DDesign #AdditiveManufacturing #ResinPrinting #3DPrintingIdeas #3DPrints #Makers #DIY #OpenSource #etsy #etsyshop
Fantasy-Inspired Hat - 3D STL Model • STL files
Download 3D print model: https://cults3d.com/:2754079
Designed by kjstlfactory
@cults3d #3DPrinting #3DPrinter #Printable #STL #3DPrint #3DPrintingCommunity #3DPrinted #3DModel #3DDesign #AdditiveManufacturing #ResinPrinting #3DPrintingIdeas #3DPrints #Makers #DIY #OpenSource #etsy #etsyshop
Elegant Ballet Shoe Organizer & Headphone Stand - 3D Model • STL files
Download 3D print model: https://cults3d.com/:2745090
Designed by kjstlfactory
@cults3d #3DPrinting #3DPrinter #Printable #STL #3DPrint #3DPrintingCommunity #3DPrinted #3DModel #3DDesign #AdditiveManufacturing #ResinPrinting #3DPrintingIdeas #3DPrints #Makers #DIY #OpenSource #etsy #etsyshop
Heart Pendants 3D – STL File for Printing • STL files
Download 3D print model: https://cults3d.com/:2733878
Designed by kjstlfactory
@cults3d #3DPrinting #3DPrinter #Printable #STL #3DPrint #3DPrintingCommunity #3DPrinted #3DModel #3DDesign #AdditiveManufacturing #ResinPrinting #3DPrintingIdeas #3DPrints #Makers #DIY #OpenSource #etsy #etsyshop
Gold Heart Pendants 3D – STL File for Printing • STL files
Download 3D print model: https://cults3d.com/:2733723
Designed by kjstlfactory
@cults3d #3DPrinting #3DPrinter #Printable #STL #3DPrint #3DPrintingCommunity #3DPrinted #3DModel #3DDesign #AdditiveManufacturing #ResinPrinting #3DPrintingIdeas #3DPrints #Makers #DIY #OpenSource #etsy #etsyshop
Unicorn 3D – Detaliczny Model STL do Druku 3D | Figurka Dekoracyjna, Keychain • STL files
Download 3D print model: https://cults3d.com/:2706896
Designed by kjstlfactory
@cults3d #3DPrinting #3DPrinter #Printable #STL #3DPrint #3DPrintingCommunity #3DPrinted #3DModel #3DDesign #AdditiveManufacturing #ResinPrinting #3DPrintingIdeas #3DPrints #Makers #DIY #OpenSource #etsy #etsyshop
Nueva lista importable de cuentas en el #Fediverso añadida al recopilatorio ordenado por temáticas e inspirado por @vamonosjuntas
En esta ocasión sumamos:
Hardware abierto o compatible con Linux + Software de diseño de HW ....
#OpenHardware + #Makers + #3D + #Devices -> #VamosJuntasHW (25)
La lista empieza con las siguientes cuentas:
@slimbook @tuxdevices @frameworkcomputer @WeAreFairphone @arduino @mntmn @kicad @Obijuan @phoronix @PINE64 @e_mydata
@murena @LineageOS @pipewire @gpuopen
@calyxos @oshwassociation @salvari @collabora @fsi @vantpc @samuelig
@openandroidinstaller @n0p @edu
Y las que ya teníamos:
· #Podcasting y #Podcasters en Español -> #VamosJuntasDePodcasting (98)
· #Accesibilidad -> #VamosJuntasA11y (23 cuentas)
· #MedioAmbiente + #Activismos -> #VamosJuntasSostenibilidad (42)
· #Veganismo + #AntiEspecismo + #Animalismo -> #VamosJuntasPorLosAnimales (50)
· #SoftwareLibre + #CulturaLibre / #FLOSS -> #VamosJuntasFLOSS (125)
· #MediosDeComunicacion + #Periodismo -> #VamosJuntasMedios (14)
· #RegiónDeMurcia + #Murcia + #FediFiestaMurcia + #GULRM -> #VamosJuntasRM (55)
· #UniónEuropea #EuropeanUnion -> #VamosJuntasUE (19)
· El listado original que no va con listas -> #VamonosJuntas #Juntas (308)
+ Otros listados 4 de #KDE / #AkademyES
Disfrutad de las redes libres y de nuestros espacios seguros.
PD: Se agradecen recomendaciones y recordatorio de que se pueden re-importar las listas para seguir a las cuentas que se van incorporando o ver los cambios via los enlaces de la web.
Q1: How are you this week and what’s on the #Makers bench, the back burner or the spare room floor?
New on #MakerSpace: Pete Metcalf shows you how to reuse your old Arduino hardware while learning Python
#Arduino #Python #sneklang #OpenHardware #OpenSource #SBC #firmware #project #makers
Human Ghostwriter has been thinking about designing me some Public Domain Friends!
Which cryptids, myths, folks, fae, fiends, and other delightful public domain characters would be (cheapest & easiest) to make as simple background puppets?
Besides #JohnMastodon of course, HG has hand-puppet plans for him.
https://www.europesays.com/1739669/ Duluth business provides a storefront for local artists #AltCreative #america #artists #business #crafters #creative #Creators #KBJR #makers #NorthernNewsNow #storefront #UnitedStates #UnitedStatesOfAmerica #US #USA
Duluth business provides a storefront for local artists https://www.byteseu.com/620808/ #AltCreative #Artists #business #crafters #creative #creators #KBJR #makers #NorthernNewsNow #storefront