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Pt Cabrillo Light Station

On a recent visit to the North Coast of California and the beautiful Mendocino coastline my wife and I decided to check out the Pt. Cabrillo Light Station between the city of Mendocino and Ft. Bragg.
This wonderful lighthouse has been sitting on a bluff overlooking the Pacific Ocean since 1909. There are also hiking trails to enjoy.
#PtCabrilloLightStation #BillGallagherPhotography #Lighthouse #PtCabrillo #BuyIntoArt #AYearForArt #NorCal

Port Wilson Lighthouse

This lighthouse stands next to a charming white house just outside of Port Townsend on the Olympic Peninsula in Northern Washington.
Built in 1879 the light was originally on top of the lightkeepers house. A tower was constructed in 1914 for better visibility. The light is a 46 foot tall tower topped with a fresnal lens. This was decommissioned in 2008.
#PortWilsonLighthouse #BillGallagherPhotography #Lighthouse #BuyIntoArt #AYearForArt #Seaside