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In the Netherlands most of the forrests are maintained by the state forestry department. In this picture you can see it very clearly, the sharp line of trees at the side of the field is one of the most clear one I've ever seen here. Because I'm standing on top of a small hill, it has become a surreal picture with a hard treeline and soft forrest towards the back.
Hope you like this one.

Sony HX99, Iso 80, S 1/5, F8


Zabriskie Point Panoramic

This is a panoramic image of Zabriskie Point in Death Valley National Parl.
This view captures the dramatic and colorful stratification of a rugged mountain landscape under a clear blue sky. Millions of years of deposits and then an uplifting of the earth's crust is on full display here.
#ZabriskiePointPanoramic #BillGallagherPhotography #DeathValleyNationalPark #ZabriskiePoilnt #Desert #Layers #Nature #BuyIntoArt #AYearForArt #WallArt