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“Lost in the desert”
The amazing sand dunes of Lençóis Maranhenses in the state of Maranhão in Brazil.
In 1981 the Lençóis Maranhenses have been declared a national park (Parque Nacional dos Lençóis Maranhenses) to protect and preserve this unique eco system. The park covers a protected area of 155.000 ha out of which 90.000 ha are covered with these pitoresque sand dunes which fill with sweet water during the raining season.

Nikon Z6
AF-S NIKKOR 24-70 f2.8G ED

#lencoismaranhenses #barreirinhas #maranhao #brasil #brazil #RebelLog #parquenacional #nationalpark #dune #düne #lagoon #sand #desert #wüste #natureza #nature #natur #landscape #landschaft #travel #reise #lost #art #travelphotography #naturephotography #landscapephotography #captureone #nikon #NikonZ #z6 #davidpoertner #davidpoertnerphotography
The amazing sand dunes of Lençóis Maranhenses in the state of Maranhão in Brazil.
In 1981 the Lençóis Maranhenses have been declared a national park (Parque Nacional dos Lençóis Maranhenses) to protect and preserve this unique eco system. The park covers a protected area of 155.000 ha out of which 90.000 ha are covered with these pitoresque sand dunes which fill with sweet water during the raining season.

Nikon Z6
AF-S NIKKOR 24-70 f2.8G ED

#lencoismaranhenses #barreirinhas #maranhao #brasil #brazil #parquenacional #nationalpark #dunes #dune #düne #lagoons #lagoon #sand #natureza #art #nature #natur #landscape #landschaft #travel #reise #travelphotography #naturephotography #landscapephotography #captureone #nikon #NikonZ #z6 #davidpoertner #davidpoertnerphotography