#photography #japan #cherryblossoms #kyoto
darkness on the blossoms-
back to Kyōto where I live
now I will return.
-Yosa no Buson (与謝蕪村 1716-84).
Trans. Sawa/Shiffert.
One of the oldest references to sakura being cultivated is to the 'shidare-zakura' (しだり櫻/糸櫻 'weeping cherry'), first mentioned in a Heian period work.
It is thus thought to be the oldest cultivar in Japan.
Spring, when even Kyōto's car parks put on a show
Covering 86641m2, Maruyama-kōen (円山公園) is the oldest and most popular of Kyōto’s parks.
Officially opened in 1886, from 1912 Ogawa Jihei (小川治兵衛 d.1933) landscaped the park into a pond and stroll garden (池泉回遊式庭園) over 3 years.
Maruyama-kōen's (円山公園) famous 70-year old shidare-zakura (枝垂桜 'weeping cherry') is one of the city's most recognizable trees.
The original tree was 200 years old when it withered in 1947. In 1949 Sano Tōemon (佐野藤右衛門) planted the tree we see today.
Nao-san is your guide as we take a wander around Maruyama Park (円山公園) and Gion Shirakawa (祇園白川), neighbourhoods close to our Camellia Flower Teahouse (カメリアフラワー).
Pour a drink, pick a sweet, and get comfortable...let's celebrate the blossoms
Gyoikō-zakura (御衣黄桜) is a variety of light-green cherry blossoms.
They were close in colour to a specific type of garment worn by the emperor, and so were named 'gyoi' (御衣 'imperial garment') 'kō' (黄 'yellow') 'sakura' (桜 'cherry blossoms').
"Yes, the cherry trees put this truth very plainly: none of the glory of blossoms and autumn leaves lasts long in this fleeting world."
-The Tale of Genji (源氏物語), Murasaki Shikibu (紫式部 ? 973-1031?).
The hanami we know today, one of 'banqueting' beneath the cherry blossoms, began in 812.
Inspired by a beautiful sakura tree he had seen in the grounds of Jishu-jinja (地主神社), Emperor Saga hosted a poetry competition and feast in the blossom-filled imperial gardens (花宴の節).
It's often difficult to gauge when to start celebrating the various blossoms...but this isn't a problem inside the teahouse
a bevy of teahouses
cherry blossoms
-Kobayashi Issa (小林一茶), 1819.
Spring's arrival in Kyōto is marked by the blooming of the sakura tree at Modori-bashi, the 'Resurrection Bridge'.
It's early flowering blossoms are some of the first to appear, and can gather quite the crowd
And just like that Kyōto enters sakura season...
a straight line
all the way to Kyoto...
umbrella-hatted blossom viewers
-Kobayashi Issa (小林一茶), 1822.
Trans. David Lanoue.
Kitano Tenman-gū (北野天満宮) in northern Kyōto City is a major Shintō shrine combining national treasure architecture and plum blossom viewing at its best in these photos. Please enjoy the humor of the last one.
1) the torii gate to enter the sacred space. 2) Pink plum blossoms. 3) Mini-shrine to a kami god. 4) Caught in the act ... of sniffing plum blossom fragrance. Some Japanese people do it, too, really!
BTW, readers see my brief legacy essay: "What Intelligence and Genius Actually Are"
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Good morning from Tokyo on a lovely Sunday! Today, my wife will participate in a singing event in Yokohama, so I'll go out later to cheer her on. Here she is a couple of years ago, sat in a tatami room at Kenninji Temple in Kyoto.
The famous stage before the main hall, as the name suggests, was originally used for ritual performances.
Approximately 18m by 10m (100 tatami mats), the floor is made up of 410 cypress boards and stands 13m above the ground (4-stories high!). It's supported by 48 pillars.
A more fanciful legend explains that the monk and warrior Benkei (武蔵坊弁慶 1155–89), famed for his strength and stature, accidentally scratched the wood when he was pestering Minamoto-no-Yoshitsune (源義経 'Ushiwakamaru') at Kiyomizu-dera.
The pair famously battled at Gojō Bridge (五条大橋), and again later at Kiyomizu-dera.