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Went to #JohnLewis in #Kingston yesterday. They have closed off all access to the riverside, which apart from anything else means you can't get to/from the cafe from the riverside it overlooks. (It used to be possible to enter/exit from either side of the through road.) Apparently, it's to mitigate theft from the tech zone. Well perhaps they ought not to have placed the tech zone on the ground floor near public access.

"The point of a John Lewis Christmas advert is that a foreigner should be able to watch it all the way through and still have no idea what John Lewis is or why his kink is making people from Surrey cry."


The Guardian · Disgusting, isn’t it? John Lewis’s shocking Christmas advert is actually about … shoppingStuart Heritage poolt

John Lewis (boy with hat) 12 years old. 1 year in mill. Weaver--4 looms. 40 cts. to start, 60 cents a day now. Brother and mother in mill. Morris Small (boy with cap) "Reckon I been in mill 2 yrs. Don't remember." Witness S.R. Hine. Location: Chester, South Carolina.

#JohnLewis #MorrisSmall #Reckon #Chester #SouthCarolina #Weaver #American #Photography #LewisHine #ChildLabour #ChildLabor






"#Statue of late #civilrights leader #JohnLewis replaces more than 100-year-old #Confederate #monument...

Back in 2020, the stone obelisk was lifted from its base with straps amid jeers and chants of "Just drop it!" from onlookers in #Decatur, #Georgia...

Groups like the #BeaconHill #Black Alliance for #HumanRights and #Hate Free Decatur had been pushing for the monument to be removed"

👏 👏 👏

Bronze statue of #JohnLewis replaces more than 100-year-old #Confederate monument

Updated 6:38 PM EDT, August 16, 2024

DECATUR, Ga. (AP) — "A large bronze statue of the late civil rights icon leader and Georgia congressman John Lewis was installed Friday, at the very spot where a contentious monument to the confederacy stood for more than 110 years in the town square before it was dismantled in 2020.

"Work crews gently rested the 12-foot-tall (3.7-meter-tall) statue into place as the internationally acclaimed sculptor, Basil Watson, looked on carefully.

"'It’s exciting to see it going up and exciting for the city because of what he represents and what it’s replacing,' Watson said, as he assisted with the install process.

"Lewis was known for his role at the front lines of the #CivilRights Movement and urged others to get in '#GoodTrouble' for a cause he saw as vital and necessary. In DeKalb County where the Confederate monument stood for more than a century, protesters have invoked 'good trouble' in calling for the swift removal of the obelisk."

AP News · Bronze statue of John Lewis replaces more than 100-year-old Confederate monumentRON HARRIS poolt