on üks paljudest sõltumatutest Mastodoni serveritest, mida saab fediversumis osalemiseks kasutada. on mõeldud Eestis üldkasutatavaks Mastodoni serveriks. is meant to be a general use Mastodon server for Estonia.


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I find networking tech fascinating, and I like overlay networks. I've recently found out about #I2P and it seems interesting but I'm not quite sure what a typical use case is. Anyone on the Fediverse want to enlighten me as to how they personally use it?

Memento Mori.

Ich habe mich auf dieser Instanz noch nicht vorgestellt, also werde ich das mal nachholen. - Mit #Hashtags.

Ich bin #Schnur, #Fedihopper von #techlgbt (Alt Acc

Meine Hauptmerkmale sind mMn nach, dass ich #suizidal-#soziopathisch bin. Seid bei meinem Account also bitte vorgewarnt, ich versuche möglichst #offen zu sein.

Meine Interessen sind #Gaming (wenn ich nicht so #depressiv wäre...). #OpenSource-Software und Politik.

Meine favorisierten Betriebssysteme sind #GrapheneOS und #QubesOS [Meme:] und ich bin ein #Darkweb(#Tor & #I2P)-Enjoyer.

Wenn ihr mich kontaktieren wollt: Meine Privatnachrichten sind offen und wenn ihr #e2e-verschlüsselte Kommunikation bevorzugt, nutze ich #Signal (#Molly-Client), #Briar und #SimpleX.

Last but not least: Meine politische Einstellung.
Ich bin überzeugter #Europäer und deswegen Parteimitglied bei #Volt.
Bitte... Wählt am Sonntag #europäisch und #gegenrechts, jede Wahl muss eine #Klimawahl sein. Danke...

PS: Weil gerade die #AroVisiblityWeek stattfindet, möchte ich kundtun, dass ich #AroAce bin! UwU

Vastatud lõimes
@dalias @lauren @monocles @signalapp @kkarhan @pixelschubsi Not that either #Tor or #Veilid (or #I2P, for the closest similar network by design) are really all that resilient to malicious global observers with malicious nodes running timing analysis.

Batching, delays and cover traffic are varying degrees of unimplemented in all of those.

(And of course, even when implemented long-running always-available/low-latency services are subject to deanonymization by active interference and passive observation of downtime correlated with power outages & natural disasters.)
Vastas kasutajale Charlotte Hunter


I2P search engine: http://shinobi.i2p

Might like my recently created blog hosted on i2p: http://righttoprivacy.i2p

w/visiting sites first time, might need jump helper if not in your address book.

And http://notbob.i2p offers a great resource. Tracking uptime / downtime of sites listed.

And click on notbob's blog - they review a new site just about every single day!

How to use #i2p on #GrapheneOS, using #mull (#firefox)

Only Firefox seems to be able to use a regular ol' HTTP proxy, on Android. Pretty crazy.

1. Install i2p, on Android you can use:
- [I2P](
- I2PD, [this F-Droid repo]( and AppID `org.purplei2p.i2pd` (For Obtainium too)
- [InviziblePro](

2. Install Mull, on Obtainium:

[DivestOS repo as URL]( and AppID `us.spotco.fennec_dos`


Want to support content access in regions facing censorship using an anonymous network? You can easily mirror clearnet sites to the #I2P network. Simply maintain an active router - people can stay up to date with information that may not be available to them. Read more about how to mirror to I2P:

Also, this will work for any HTTPS site mirror-github-pages-to-i2p.git

✅ Access
✅ Anonymity

geti2p.netHow to offer your existing Web Site as an I2P eepSite - Blog - I2P