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“A minister has spoken of his disappointment that Fujitsu, the Japanese company behind the Horizon computer system, has not done more for those whose lives were ruined in the Post Office scandal.”

Which says as much about the naïvety of the minister, Gareth Thomas, as it does about the morals of Fujitsu.

The Guardian · Minister ‘surprised’ Fujitsu hasn’t done more to help victims of Post Office scandalDaniel Boffey poolt

Marina can always be relied on to put her finger on the issue.

“And yet, not to get the old moral weighing scales out, but wrongly jailing innocent people is so much worse than stealing a few grand, isn’t it? Which the post office operators obviously didn’t even do. The executive class in this story did something truly abhorrent – yet for them, no charges have been brought.”

The Guardian · Hit TV show, tick. Millions for lawyers, tick. Now could we manage some actual justice for the subpostmasters?Marina Hyde poolt

No-one did anything about the Post Office #Horizon scandal for years, then someone made a documentary and the government sprang into action.

No-one did anything about #AlFayed for years, then someone made a documentary and the police are investigating his accomplices.

Things I would now like to see documentaries about:

The imminent threat of #ClimateChange
The way politicians agendas are shaped by those who fund them
The power of the right-wing media

BBC NewsMohamed Al Fayed: Police investigate more people over billionaire's abuseThe Metropolitan Police says it believes several people may have helped or enabled Mohamed Al Fayed's sexual offences.

As compensation delays for those wrongly convicted in the Post Office Horizon IT scandal (or corrupt victimisation of sub-post-masters, if you prefer).... you may have lost sight of where the inquiry has got to.

here's a useful summary of what we now know from the BBC....

#PostOffice #Horizon #Fujitsu

BBC NewsPost Office scandal: Who knew what and when?What answers did we get from some of the key players at the inquiry into the Horizon IT scandal?