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Am Internationalen Tag gegen #Rassismus erinnern wir heute an #WerkstattGeschichte 59/2012 »sichtbar/verborgen«. Im Thementeil, hg. u.a. v. Alexandra Przyrembel, geht es um Diskurse über »Rasse« in der Moderne, mit Beiträgen von Richard Hölzl (@rhoelzl), Hubertus Büschel & Silvan Niedermeier:


@historikerinnen @histodons

Today was the best kind of research day. It had it all. The morning was a wash. After lunch, I dug up promising leads but was crushed when I failed to find them where I expected. And then, in the final box I'd ordered, I hit pay dirt - not only did I find the documents I'd thought were elsewhere, they were way more detailed than I could've imagined. What a way to end a trip to the (very distant) archives!

Another major thread I've come across in Treasury correspondence is Britain's financial interest in Ceylon cinnamon. There are years in the first half of the 19th century where it feels like 10% of all letters written by the Treasury to the Colonial Office are about this one commodity (and the two departments correspond constantly). A project that's just sitting there in the archives waiting to be written.

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I keep coming across references to diplomatic gift-giving in the British Treasury papers. Today I've found correspondence on presents for chiefs in Gambia and Sierra Leone in the 1820s and 1830s. On the off chance anyone's looking for a project on the history of the British Empire.

#OnThisDay, 19 March 1944, Yvonne Baseden parachutes into Nazi-occupied France as a Special Operations Executive radio operator. The British SOE supported the French resistance. Radio operators ran the greatest risk of discovery as their position could be triangulated when they were transmitting.

Baseden was captured and sent to Ravensbrück.

She was the subject of the first regular UK edition of This Is Your Life in 1955.

Historians have written a fair bit on presents given by Britain, France, and the US to Indigenous peoples in North America. As I peruse the early 19th-century correspondence of the British Treasury, I keep coming across references to similar practice elsewhere - Surinam, Nicaragua, Honduras... Has anyone written on diplomatic gifts in these places? A comparative history might be interesting.

How did #UnivofStAndrews benefit from, participate in, or support, British colonialism? Our report 'The University of St Andrews and the legacies of empire, 1700-1900' is now available

The detail of our findings may be of most interest to those closely associated with #standrews #Fife and #Tayside, or #Scotland; but I hope that our approach will be of interest to a wider audience. #history #histodons Andrews and the Legacies of Empire – St Andrews and the Legacies of Empire project