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#Helix #lucorum (#Helicidae) is a land #snail #species with a noticeably large shell that is originally distributed in Asia Minor and the Black Sea region. Like Cornu aspersum, the species is popular as a #delicacy in Europe, but is rarely bred and is instead taken from the field. Author I. Ekin (2023) deals with the #reproductiveprocesses of H. lucorum and studied them in the field for several years. #biodiversity

© #StefanFWirth Berlin 2025

Ekin, I. (2023):

Been a while since I’ve done this, so here’s my bio as #introduction: I'm a vegan, software developer (#rust #RustLang #python #sql #shell #css #html), tree lover, and father of the most adorable toddler in the world. I live in southeastern Pennsylvania, and post a fair bit about #gardening (usda zone 7b).
#linux for some number of years now - Debian and Pop are my favorites. #helix is a fantastic editor.

Death to all things Microsoft.

“Surprisingly handy.”

Shoutout to Jetbrains CLion and #KDE KDevelop for being the only two IDEs that don't try to gaslight me into thinking one of my C++ header files is incorrect. Tested with CLion, #Helix, KDevelop, Visual Studio Code, and #Zed. The rest of them claimed that my very much installed KFileMetaData/SimpleExtractionResult wasn't in my include path and that <vector> wasn't the include...for std::vectors 🤦‍♂️

Any advice from clangd experts certainly welcome.

I have to admit, I am warming up to #Helix editor more and more. It has this "it just works" feeling about it.

Like yeah I have used it for long time but mostly for small edits. But doing some proper dev work with it also feels really nice.

🐌💎⚒️ #Helix Ramondi Snail Fossil Epigenised in Blue Lussatite (Opal-CT), On Matrice. Very Rare and Unique in the World, It is Only Found in a Tiny Place in Auvergne Region of France (≈-25 Million Years Old) 🇫🇷. Stuck Inside #Peperite Matrice and #bitumen
Photo Copyright ©️ karmankrystals
By #GeologyWonders
#Geology #GeologyPage #Nature #minerals #crystals #gems #Nature #NatureLovers #NaturePhotography #Photographer