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Forgot to take progress pictures for #wipwednesday , that's why you get a crappy 5am-before-leaving-for-work picture. :lol:
This pattern is a pure variation of SC stitches. I can't work too long on it because quite honestly, SC stitches bore me, that's why I am normally drawn to the complex lacy patterns. Nevertheless... the braiding for this one is very cleverly constructed. I'm using my Cthulu Advent 2024 Krakenyarns handdyed yarn and it's really wonderful. :heart:

Pattern: Chocomania by Elena Fedotova
Yarn: Kraken Yarns Twisted Socks in color Mae Rineaux

#crochet #crochetart #crochetartist #crochetaccessories #häkeln #handmade #crochetshawl #shawl #handdyedyarn #indieyarn #yarn #fiber #fiberarts #fiberartist