When the UN votes for an International Day of Hope, you will not have to guess which country voted against it.
When the UN votes for an International Day of Hope, you will not have to guess which country voted against it.
@tagesschau il comportamento del presidente degli stati uniti non è difendibile. Si è comportato da bullo mafioso della peggior specie, si vede che è nato a five points. Trump ha dimostrato di essere un pallone gonfiato e vigliacco. #trump #fuckusa
The audacity of these two motherfuckers ... Just look at their derogatory hand gestures.
#Trump #Vance #Zelensky #maffia #mobsters #politics #extortion
#FuckTrump #FuckVance #FuckUSA
Interesting post with historical facts which states that the USA was nazi before the nazis were nazi. The facts are verifiable via the web as I found out and probably also via libraries and historians. But most of all, it is mind boggling how much the German nazis copied from the USA ones.
Here you can read what happens in one of those camps. At least there's still running water from the showers, but how long will it take before it's gas?
Here's an article about those concentrationcamps and who builds them, who sponsors them, who delivers personnel for them and who supports them.
Private Equity’s Ruthless Takeover Of The Last Affordable Housing In America