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Good morning. 🍁🍁🍁

21 March 2025

Are you ever in a bad mood for now reason at all? I think it happens to all of us. When it happens to me, I usually just get quiet and mope around, but when I'm like that is not a good time to accidently bump into me.

My mother made me a Dammit Doll—a simple creation crafted from a couple of pieces of cloth, stuffed and sewn together, with buttons for eyes, yarn for hair, and a ribbon with a bell attached. A 3x5 card is tied to the ribbon, featuring these words:

"When you feel you want to throw the phone or kick the desk and shout. Here's a little dammit doll you cannot do without. Just grab it by its legs and find a place to slam it. And as you whack the stuffing out. Yell dammit, dammit, dammit."

"When angry, count to four; when very angry, swear." - Mark Twain

"Do not meddle in the affairs of Wizards, for they are subtle and quick to anger." - J. R. R. Tolkien

Good morning. 🍃🌿🍂

27 February 2025

I'm not quite fully awake yet, but I'm trying to get there. Lucky Charlie! He just plops down on his side, and just like that, he's asleep. If I move from my chair, he'll be instantly awake and ready for anything, especially food. Interestingly, I found Ben curled up in his bed when I got up this morning, and I had to wake him up to go outside. It's usually the other way around. Well ... uh ... he is always the one to go outside, but he usually helps wake me for the event. I think that after mealtime, I'll take a short nap myself; maybe it will clear my head. Hmmm... something's weird. It's seven minutes to mealtime, and Charlie is still sleeping.

"I don't feel old. I don't feel anything till noon. That's when it's time for my nap." - Bob Hope

Good morning. 🌿🍃🍂

26 February 2025

I spent several minutes searching for this morning's photograph, and once I finally found it, I wondered why I thought it was so special. I had been tempted to post it several times over the past weeks but wanted to save it for a morning post. Perhaps I was viewing it through different eyes. The out-of-focus leaves and glistening dew had obviously captivated me at the time. But this morning, I'm not seeing the magic. Maybe I have a split personality. Let me check. Nope, it's just me in here, all alone. Sometimes, I guess you have to look at things differently to appreciate what is happening.

"Them which is of other naturs thinks different." -Charles Dickens

Sparrow's Sanctuary

If you look closely at the center of this image, you'll notice a rather stern-looking house sparrow (Passer domesticus) staring out. I'm quite sure it's a male house sparrow because, if you look closely enough, you can see a black smudge on the bird's chest.

You know, the photographs I post here aren't as vivid as those in my Pixel's gallery. I reduce their size and slightly decrease their quality to make them easier to load.

Take a look:


Good morning. 🍄🍄🍄

21 February 2025

Do you ever open the refrigerator door and just stand there staring, having forgotten what you wanted in the first place? I wonder if it’s the same phenomenon as the doorway effect. I did that yesterday—stood there for several seconds trying to remember why I was there. It was like that scene from the 1982 version of Poltergeist where one of the characters is drawn to the eerie, glowing refrigerator light. But then I remembered, grabbed what I wanted, and went back to my food-related tasks.

"Nature alone is antique, and the oldest art a mushroom." ` Thomas Carlyle

Good morning. 🍂🍂🍂

16 February 2025

I was up later than usual last night reading, so I slept in a bit this morning after letting the dogs out—just in case you were wondering who. I wish I could sleep until I wake naturally, but with Ben and Charlie around, that's not possible. They teamed up on me this morning: Ben started barking to get me out of bed just after five. After letting them out and back in, I went back to sleep in my recliner. Then around seven, Charlie started pushing me. I ordered him to his bed several times, but he only stayed for a few minutes before coming back. I finally got up a bit after seven-thirty. Now Charlie is sleeping next to my chair.

"To sit with a dog on a hillside on a glorious afternoon is to be back in Eden, where doing nothing was not boring - it was peace." - Milan Kundera

Good morning. 😴😪💤

10 February 2025

I just got home from a sleep study—fell asleep during the study, ha ha! This was my second one, this time with a CPAP (Continuous Positive Airway Pressure) device over my nose. Right now, I can't see myself using it every night, but you know what they say—never say never. At the moment, I still have that goop from the electrodes in my hair, and I'm feeling and looking a little frazzled, kind of like the bird in this morning's photo. What else do I have to get done today? Oh, nothing, just like most days—it'll be nap time soon. I chuckled because Ben is curled up and snoring behind my chair.

“I love sleep. My life has the tendency to fall apart when I'm awake, you know?”
― Ernest Hemingway

photo #photography #photographer #photographylovers #morning #SleepApnea #bird #foliage

Good morning. 🍂🍂🍂

2 February 2025

It's Sunday morning, and all I want to do is go back to sleep. Here I am, my head a bit befuddled, attempting to tap out something clever and failing miserably. "Failing miserably" is such a common phrase, but it actually means "not good at failing." What they really mean is "failing greatly," don't you think? At any rate, my attempt to come up with a subject this morning is, as usual, failing. So, I'll just call this morning's subject "befuddled," because that's exactly where my head is at the moment.

“I’m not confused; I’m just exploring the outer limits of my understanding.” - unknown

Good morning. 🍂🍂🍂

25 January 2025

Charlie was trying to get me up early this morning, I think about three-thirty, but I didn't budge. He is comical though, he comes to the bedroom door and issues a low ruff, like a whisper as if he is trying to wake me without waking my wife. Fat chance though, I don't hear so well and my wife can hear a pin drop in a proverbial haystack. Anyway, that is my impression of what he is trying to do, like we are frequent conspirators, and he is trying to pull me into his latest caper. Speaking of Charlie, he is staring at me right now trying to convince me to let him outside, or maybe even to go with him. But he just came in minutes ago, and it is freezing out there.

"No one appreciates the very special genius of your conversation as a dog does." - Christopher Morley

Good morning. 🌿🌿🌿

20 January 2025

Hurray for today! It's Martin Luther King Jr. Day, a national holiday. Hmmm ... there is something else important going on today ... Oh, it's also National Cheese Lover's Day, National Buttercrunch Day, and National Disc Jockey Day. Unfortunately, you won't get a day off for the last three. One last thing about today—it's very much Monday. It's not Groundhog Day, though, but if it were, the groundhog probably wouldn't come out.

It's cold outside this morning—24°F, which is quite chilly for Louisiana but not so much for Minnesota, where it's 12°F in the Twin Cities. It's all about perspective. What feels like a cozy winter's day to one person can be a chilling experience for another.

"When life gives you Monday, dip it in glitter and sparkle all day." - Ella Woodward

Good morning. 🍂🍃🍂

15 January 2025

After I got out of Marine Corps Boot Camp in 1971, I got paid twice a month. I was going to say every two weeks but that isn't quite right with the exception of most Februarys. But anyway, back in those days we reported to a pay officer who would pay us in cash, for me he would snap out two brand new $20 bills. That's right my take home pay was $80 per month. Take home isn't quite accurate either because I lived in a barracks, so hey, free room and board. I should mention that I did automatically purchase a savings bond every month, which would increase my net pay to $100. My payday was all spending money, which lasted a week until I was again waiting for payday.

"Thirty days after high-school graduation, I went straight into the Marines." - Nate Dogg

Nearly all of our photography in the Pantanal of Brazil was done from small boats. Any little twitch by a passenger and things can get blurry! So I was thrilled to have an in-focus shot of this black crowned night heron perched on a branch with green foliage in the background.

#heron #nightheron #birds #birdphotography #wildlife #wildlifephotography #pantanal #brazil #nature #animals #trees #foliage #bokah #AYearForArt #buyIntoArt #giftideas #artforsale @joancarroll

Good morning. 🍃🍃🍃

4 January 2025

Do you know that I've never been inside a Chucky E Cheese restaurant, even when we had small children around. We drove by the one In Alexandria, Louisiana the other day and I kidded with my wife about going there to eat. That is when I found out that you had to pay to go inside. She took one of our granddaughters a few years ago and there was $25 entrance fee. I guess it is an arcade type of establishment. Anyway, I love to broaden my horizons, which are pretty broad already, but that is one that I'll likely not get to. Hmmm ... never say never, eh. We know not what the future brings.

"The health of the eye seems to demand a horizon. We are never tired, so long as we can see far enough." - Ralph Waldo Emerson