RE: Alleged ESP32 so-called "backdoor"
The talk where a couple of researchers presented their findings in Madrid is about undocumented commands found in the ESP32. They presented themselves as civilians, but they also have a consultancy or work for a company called Tarlogic.
Nothing about the talk, and nothing about the Tarlogic article (that doubles as marketing material for their security product) says that they found anything about backdoors, or any malicious commands.
They don't claim that there is a backdoor, they use many conditionals such as "would" and "could", and they say "maybe" but they didn't demonstrate any exploits.
They've shown that they found interesting undocumented functionality, and they are extrapolating that it could possibly be used somehow, but they don't really know if it's possible or not.
Slander in a teacup
It seems that Espressif built in some debugging functionality? Is that a horrible thing? They don't know, but they make sure to promote their own security product to protect you. How nice of them.
There's too many time-wasters with very specific ideologies creating chaos and confusion out there, it's good to identify them.